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  Think about the word joy, not the definition but more about what the letters could stand for. Here is an acronym I was taught to remember how to spread joy the right way and how to put others first before myself.

J: Jesus
O: Others
Y: You

     Jesus needs to be first in your life, plain and simple. He is what gives you endurance, guidance, and love through your struggles and your pains. He is the one that wants you to live a happy and successful life. And He is the one that died so you could live and not burn in hell. If you put Him first in your life, everything else will fall into place. Your grades, your friends, your family, your word choice, etc.

      Others should be put before you in everything. When you put other people's needs ahead of your own, you will feel satisfied. Others need you to help them or lead them to Christ. It might be delivering a Thanksgiving meal to a homeless family, or visiting the nursing home to sing Christmas carols that makes others needs more important than your own. Especially with the holidays coming up, it is nice to spread some cheer around.

    And yourself. It is important to meet your needs as well. And not so much the needs of getting a good nights sleep or eating the right foods. Although those things are good, put your spiritual needs in the right place. Take time out of your day to pray or to read your bible. Sometimes I like to pull a YouTube video up and follow along with the lyrics on the screen. Other times, I just like to pray silently in my head. Making sure that you meet your spiritual needs is essential in having a close personal relationship with Jesus. And that doesn't mean showing up at church once a week and listening to a pastor or priest preach for an hour. It means getting to know God.

Challenge~ Put someone else's needs ahead of yours. Help someone out in your family and or do something kind for someone who might need your support.

I just realized this but I haven't posted anything on this in forever:( I will try to update this more frequently:):)

Your sister in Christ~

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