Footprints in the Sand

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One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."

He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."

By: Mary Stevenson

   This is my all time favorite poem that I just wanted to share with you guys:) Some of you are probably familiar with it, but it is a good reminder for all that God never leaves you even through your toughest walks of life. People may feel like they have been deserted or left behind, but it is really God carrying us through it.
   I hope that you enjoyed this passage just as much as I did and that you will share it with your friends on Wattpad.

Challenge- Tell one person that you see tomorrow about this poem. You can look it up, show it to them, tell them about it, or recommend this book on Wattpad for them to see it. If you complete this challenge, type the term, footprints, in the comments section of this chapter.
   It is recommended to complete this because it is about spreading the Word of God through this poem which is what we are called to do. Thank you reading this and I hope it was inspiring to you.

Your sister in Christ,

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