Love Your Enemies

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*They might not always be your enemies, but they could be people that have mistreated you or people that you don't like. It is just how the bible puts it:)

Is there someone in your life that is just plain annoying? Or someone that has said something so mean to you that you will never forget it? Believe it or not, there is at LEAST one person like that in everyone's lives whether it be a former friend, a co-worker, or someone in your class. Your natural instinct is to either completely ignore them, be rude back to them, or gossip. Did Jesus do those things to his enemies? No, in fact he prayed for his enemies! He was kind to those who despised him. This is definitely something that I should start doing from now on because there is always a story behind why they are treating you that specific way.

Were they treated bad at home? Were they not taught how to be nice? Are they being bullied or do they dislike themselves? If the answer to ANY of these is a yes, then that may be the cause of why they are treating you poorly.

So how do we go about praying for these people? It is simple; listen to your heart. You could simply say, please bless ______ and help them to see the light today. It is always a hard thing to bless someone who just isn't a kind person. I remember coming home from school one day and telling my mom about someone that was really giving me a hard time. She told me to pray about it, but I didn't for a long time because I couldn't believe that I was supposed to pray for them.

Everything happens for a reason, so Jesus had a purpose for putting this person in your life. Is it to teach you patience, or how to control your temper? Or what if you spread the word of Jesus to them and they become a believer? There is always a reason for every person in your life, even if they aren't your best friend.

Challenge~ Think of one person who really annoys you or mistreats you and pray for their well being. Pray that they come to know Christ and that they will see the light. Don't list names in the comments, but type the word "prayer" if you completed the challenge.

If you would like me to pray for you or if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment or message me.

Matthew 5:44- Love your enemies, bless those that curse you, be good to those whose hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.

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