This is the Day the Lord has Made!

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Today is a special day! It might not be your birthday or a holiday, but it is another day that God has given us to live and serve him!

Everyday is another gift to open; it is a day full of surprises. In the car this morning, my mom was sharing something exciting with me. "Something good is going to happen to me and through me today! I wonder what will happen; it is exciting to think about!" She said. I didn't give it much thought until just now when I started writing this. Something good did happen to me today, I didn't have any math homework which was really cool!

Some people don't see each day as another gift. They see it as another thing to dread. They will most likely complain about ANOTHER day of school or ANOTHER test today. But little do they know that there is so much more to those things. I was once told by a wise person that there are only bad moments, not bad days. So whenever I came home from school and I said that I had a bad day, I was always asked, how was your day BESIDES that? And every time I said great, because that was just a bad moment that happened in my day. Others might use that and say, well my day was full of bad moments, which I used to say. But look at it closer, it's really not. During the day, you can be by your family, see your friends, get a good grade, or accomplish something. In fact, God blesses you every day, so there was is no reason to call it a "useless or a bad" day. Everyone has to work on this including me. I can't even remember how many times I have walked into school dragging my feet and saying "I want to go home. I am so tired." I am going to make an effort to approve upon this and I hope you will too!

Challenge~ Next time that you feel like your day is boring or sad, remember that the day is a gift from God and use it to spread his word. God calls us to rejoice in each and everyday. Will you?

Psalm 118:24- This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

If anyone needs prayers or would like me to pray with them, I would be more than happy to. I have already prayed for someone that requested it and it was really nice to take have them take me up on the offer. Send me a message or comment for the chapter if you would like to do so.

Your sister in Christ

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