Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

“LUCAS! YOU ARE IN HUGE TROUBLE!” I jumped as a girl’s voice echoed from the hallway. It was 7am, and I was up to my elbows in coleslaw, while Lucas and Finn chopped mountains of potatos. Like, we’re talking almost a whole potato farm. It was crazy.

Lucas chuckled and shook his head slightly.

“WHERE ARE YOU ASSHOLE!?” I turned my head, curious to see who this girl was. She better not be single. Or pretty. Or into him. Jealous thoughts rushed through my mind as I heard footsteps crash down the hallway. I opened my mouth to ask Lucas who she was, but didn’t have enough time before she was standing in the doorway.

My mouth almost dropped open.

She was absolutely gorgeous. Like, stunning-make-everyone-else-in-the-room-feel-like-a-seventy-year-old-grandma gorgeous.

But what struck me was how much like Lucas she looked. It was almost uncanny. The same eyes, the same hair colour, the same face structure...all that was missing was Lucas’ toned body and you would have a replica. Well, aside from her lean figure, and the face that she was, well, a girl.

If she and Lucas had a past I think I would probably cry. There was no way I could live up to someone that stunning.

“Cassidy, how nice to see you,” Lucas said, grinning sheepishly.

“Don’t you play innocent with me kid! You find your mate and you don’t even tell your own sister?!” She yelled.

Oh. Sister. All my jealousy immediately flew out the window, but was quickly replaced with nerves.

Lucas’ sister.


“Yeah...sorry about that...I didn’t want to over load her. She’s human you know. And giving her the Cassidy welcome would have probably scared her away.”

Cassidy huffed and blew a few strands of hair off her face. “Fair enough. Well played litte bro, well played. But now I have to meet her.”

I was hidden behind the potato sacks, and realising that was my cue, I quickly wiped my hands of all the coleslaw stuff.

“She’s not here at the moment.” I could hear the smirk in Lucas’ words.

Cassidy sniffed. “Yes she is!” And just as I was drying my hands, she practically leaped to where I was standing, knocking me back slightly.

Up close she was even more beautiful.

Her eyes settled on me and a grin spread across her face. I probably looked like someone had just electrocuted me, with my trademark messy hair, wide eyes and gaping mouth. Way to make a good impression. Not.

“Hi! I’m Cassidy, Lucas’ older sister! I’m so glad to finally meet you! And it’s about time Lucas found his mate, he was way to serious and grumpy. But anyway!” She gushed, and before I could say anything she pulled me into a huge, warm hug.

When she let go of me, I realised it was my turn to talk.

“Uh wow hi! I’m Charlotte.” I managed to splutter out. She giggled and tapped my nose.

“She is just so adorable Lucas! Good job young one.” I blushed, but again she began talking. “I just love your hair! How do you get it so tousled like that??”

Lucas snorted. “That’s how it looks when she rolls out of bed in the morning.”

I whacked his arm and narrowed my eyes. “Watch it you.”

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