Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

“Finn! Pass me the jam?”

“Get it yourself, asswipe.”

“Who has the butter?”

“For the love of god, Jared if you don’t stop kissing that lovely lady of yours at the breakfast table I will vomit. All over you.”

“Ow! What was that for?”

“Ughhhh it’s too early for this.”

“Who ate the last of the bacon?”

“Did anyone watch NCIS last night?”

I sat in amongst the definition of chaos. Did you know that it was possible for a bunch of teenage guys to get so loud and annoying when someone had the brilliant idea of eating together?! Well I didn’t. Until then.

There had literally been toast flying past my head, and the conversations were getting louder and louder. Lucas ate in a comfortable silence, a bemused smile on his face.

I leant in to him. “Are they always like this in the morning?”

“Yup. Welcome home babe.”He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. The word home was so inviting. And as annoying as everyone could be, there was no place I would rather be. Not away with my parents, not at a batch with my friends and definitely not in my cold, lonely house.

I was happy right where I was.

“Girls, can you all stop fighting for a moment?” Lucas called, rolling his eyes at their squabbling.

Everyone stopped talking and moaning and turned to Lucas.

“Well, as you know, I found my mate, Charlotte.” I blushed and looked at my plate. “You have all had the chance to get to know her quite well. So I was thinking, how would you feel about us hosting a party to kind of welcome her to the pack and introduce her to everyone?”

My eyes widened. There were more people?! I mean, I knew there must be a few, but enough to hold a freaking party for?!

What if they didn’t like me?

I mean, I was human after all. And they were...not...

What if they thought I was beneath them, and didn’t deserve their leader?

Oh my god what if they hated me.

What would I do then?!

Panicked thoughts were rushing through my brain as I began over thinking the whole situation. I was vaguely aware of the shouts of agreement and excited planning taking place around the table.

Lucas leaned in to me and lifted my chin, so I would look him in the eyes.

“What’s wrong Char?”

I shook my head slightly and forced a smile. “Nothing, I’m fine!” Even I could tell my voice sounded pathetic.

“Charlotte. You can’t hide anything from me. What is it?”

I sighed, knowing he was right. “What...what if nobody likes me? What if I don’t live up to their expectations of what a leader should be? I don’t even know anything about what I’m supposed to do and I just can’t-“ My voice was getting higher and higher, verging on hysterical and my eyes were tearing up. I just really, really didn’t want to disappoint anyone.

Lucas looked at me with his warm eyes. “You couldn’t possibly disappoint anyone. They already love you, and they haven’t even met you yet. Trust me, they would like anyone who could make me smile, and I know that they will love you for you.”

I sniffed slightly. “But....I’m not like you guys. Wont they be weird about that?”

“Nope! My grandfather was Alpha of the pack, and his mate was a human. Their reign was the strongest this pack has ever seen. So seriously, there are no problems. And there is no way you’re feeling upset. I will not allow it!” He joked, wiping away some of my tears.

“Really?” I whispered, beginning to feel a bit better. Trust him to be able to sort me out with a few words. More the sound of his voice was the comforting part to be honest, but what he hold me did help.

“I promise. And anyone who gives you shit will answer to me.” I laughed and hugged him.

No one seemed to notice our little moment, and was too busy sorting out party plans. We slipped into the conversation easily, and I even began to feel excited about it. Everyone was dished out with jobs, and it was to be held the next day. Lucas excused himself to make some phone calls, and came back saying that some of the girls would be over first thing in the morning to help cook the food.

The boys all left the table to clean the pool, clear the courtyard, haul out the barbeque...all the things necessary for a party. I followed Briar around, while we set up fairy lights and tables.

“Jeez how many people are coming to this thing!?” I exclaimed as we lined the tables up. There were enough seats for an entire army!

“Oh it’s a pretty small pack. I think Jared told me there will be about three hundred, but don’t hold me to that.”

I dropped the chair I had been carrying. “Three hundred?!”

“Yup! And we’ll get to meet Jared and Lucas’ parents! I’m so excited to meet everyone!” She flittered around, a huge smile on her face.


Hadn’t thought of that.

Lucas’ parent!!!!

As if I needed anything else to worry about!

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