Chapter Twenty Six

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Harry Styles’ green eyes looked away from his bedroom ceiling and at the boy next to him. They were both laid out on Harry’s double bed, like the lazy teenage boys they were. Harry’s small TV was playing the film of Zayn’s choice, a Disney film, which Harry found adorable. Zayn’s brown eyes were stuck on the TV, and Harry had to admit that he had never seen the boy so transfixed in his entire time of knowing him. His chin was tucked into his arms, which were tucked in front of him, like a child watching the TV. There was a small smile that was stuck onto Zayn’s face as he got sucked into the words of the animated characters that were flashing before him.

Harry however, was laid out on his back, next to the boy. The Disney film hadn’t exactly caught his attention, yet even if it had, his conscience was rumbling inside of him so loudly that he figured that if he concentrated on the film he would have had trouble focusing on it anyway. As Harry looked into the side of Zayn Malik’s face, his mind kept asking him one question, over and over.

Why was he doing this?

Why did he invite Zayn over? Why did he keep talking to Zayn? Why could he not keep his emerald eyes away from the boy? Harry knew that he partly did this because he saw how truly vulnerable and innocent the boy was and he wanted to look after him and make sure he was alright for some reason. Harry had treated Zayn like crap at times and had taken advantage of the boy’s weakness, and he knew that that was the reason his conscience caused him to do this, but as Harry looked at the boy next to him, he slowly started to wonder whether it was just his repenting conscience. His conscience wasn’t the reason Harry liked to steal little kisses from the boys cheek, and even lips, and it wasn’t the reason why Zayn’s hands looked so soft and to hold either.

Harry’s palms started to heat up, and he slowly brought his eyes away from the boy and back at the ceiling once more. His heart was slowly thudding away inside of his ribcage, but everytime Zayn would move, or make any sort of sound, it would quicken a little. A while ago, the boy next to him had yawned to himself. It was quiet and cute, almost like a kitten yawning, and after he scrunched his nose a little. The action had caused Harry’s heart to jump around as if it were cooing itself for the boy. Harry sighed a little, wondering if Zayn’s heart skipped and jumped whenever Harry did something. For some reason, Harry started to think about how he would feel if someone else was the person to make Zayn’s heart skip a beat. His mind immediately doubted it, as the boy didn’t exactly talk to anyone but him and his family, but still the thought of not being the one that roamed Zayn’s mind like the brown-eyed boy roamed Harry’s seemed saddening.

Suddenly the boy next to him stirred a little, and Harry looked up to see that the film was now over, and the credits had started rolling up the screen. Harry looked back over to the boy next to him, as he stretched his arms out gingerly in front of him, giving another yawn. Harry smiled and leant his hand over, pushing the boy’s glasses up the bridge of his nose gently from where they had started to fall off again. Zayn squirmed a little, before giggling a little as he watched Harry’s hand push up his glasses.

“I knew Dumbo would fly in the end…” Zayn mumbled happily, before looking at Harry with a tired smile. Harry couldn’t help but beam a smile.

“Yeah?” He asked, before his fingertips started to stroke some of Zayn’s hair from his eyes and forehead. The dark raven locks always felt so soft against Harry’s fingertips, and if he had his way, he’d sit and comb through the boy’s hair for hours.

Zayn eagerly nodded to Harry, which made Harry smile, before his two green eyes watched the boy slowly shuffle towards Harry, closing the tiny gap inbetween them before their sides touched. Harry’s smile seemed stuck onto his face now that the sweet smell of the boy and the warmth radiating from him was closer to him. For some reason, the closer Zayn got to Harry, the more that stupid goofy smile would stick to his face. There was something about the boy, and Harry just couldn’t put a finger on it. But, he kind of liked it.

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