Chapter 37: New Year New Memories!

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Jude's  POV:

New Year's resolutions. 
What's so great about everyone trying to commit to the same thing that they tried last year.  If it didn't work out then, what makes them think it'll work out now?

Connor looked up from the book he was currently reading.

"There's that look!" He laughed before covering his face behind the book.

"What look?" I asked determined to know what he meant.

Connor chuckles.

"That deep thought look, and sometimes it's never good."

Ummm. Rude.

"What's wrong with my thinking? Is it because I'm too smart?"

He laughed again,  slightly louder.

"It's not your 'intelligence' at all." he said quoting intelligence. "You just tend to overthink things that are small."

I didn't know what to say to that.  I did sometimes blow things out of proportion, but hey, my life has been that way alot before I was adopted.

I sighed.

"Point taken."

Connor smirked, setting the book down beside him.

"What were you thinking about anyways?"

"New Years Resolutions."

Connors face twisted up in disgust.

"What about them? Don't tell me you have one."

I laughed.

"Of course not. I mean there's nothing wrong with them,  but if your gonna have one at least stick to it.  People barely make it two days before theirs goes right out the window."

Connor laughed, getting up from the chair and moving over to my bed.

"Why are you thinking about them anyway?"

I paused.  I had no clue why it popped into my head.  It just did.  It got me curious. 

"I don't know, maybe I wanted one."

Connor wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him and he had a thoughtful expression on his face. He looked down on me before looking back up at the ceiling.

"Like what?"

"Something that I know I can achieve. Something that I won't back out of."

Connor chuckled once again.

"Would you quit laughing at me.  I'm being serious." I said elbowing him slightly.

"I'm not laughing at you.  I just think its adorable how you think.  But if you put it my way.  You don't have to put achievements in the form of a NYs resolution.  If you feel strongly about something, do something about it.  Your passion about it will get you to achieve it.  I believe you can do anything you set your mind to,  Juju."

He looked down at me and smiled,  lovingly.

I blushed.

"Thanks, Connor."

He nodded his head.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I can think of something."

That sly smile took over his face and I knew where his thoughts were.

"You need a cold shower?" I joked.

Connor pouted.

"I'm kidding." I said pulling him closer to myself and kissed him senseless.

I stop mid make out and Connor groans.

"Would you like to go on another date?"

Connors smile grew larger.

"Did Jude Jacob Adams-Foster just ask me on a date?"

I blushed profusely. It was the first time I asked him to actually go out. Last time we just talked about another date.

Besides I already had it planned out. It was gonna be perfect with Marianas help, of course.

"Yes. I did! Now answer the question."

"Okay sass master. Yes. I'd love to go on a date with you."

I leapt onto Connor's lap and kissed him again.

I pulled out my phone and texted Mariana

Second Date is happening.!!!

Seconds later you hear screeching and running until Mariana is standing outside my bedroom door.

"Is it true? Please tell me it's true."

I laugh loudly.

"Yes, Mariana. We're going on a second date."

She squeals again and hugs both of us tightly.

"I already have the preparations, I was just waiting on Jude to finally ask."

"You would know about this!" Connor laughed.

"Duh. We plan for Saturday night. So dress nice. It'll be a fun night. Trust me."

And we did.


Here's another chapter.
I'm sorry for not updating this book as much.
It's coming to a close quite quickly but the ending will be great.
Three chapters to go + an Epilogue.
Stay Tuned

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