Chapter 7: Getting Ready! (Part 1)

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Jude's POV:

I can't believe tomorrow is actually mine and Connor's first date. It feels so surreal. It feels like yesterday when we first met

I walk into Anchor Beach Charter School with my foster mom,Lena. She tells me that every time at a new school is terrifying but I'll get through it. Her words soothe me and I really like the scenery of the school and how its literally on the beach. Its beautiful. She takes me to her office and prints out a schedule of my classes.

"I'm nervous. What if I don't make any friends?" I ask her.

"Sweetie everything will be fine and you'll make friends faster than you know it."

"Will I get to see Callie?" I ask her.

"You will from time to time."

I smile at the thought of seeing my older sister at school. We never went to the same school before. I'm happy that she's closer to me. She gives me that sense of security. Lena walks me out into the halls and we see kids and teenagers in every direction. She takes me to my first class and hands me my schedule.

"Now, give this to your teacher. Tell them you're new. I have to go, but if you need any help, you can find me in my office."

I nod.

"Thanks Lena."

"You're welcome, Jude."

I head into the class and immediately all eyes are on me. I get that tight knot in my stomach as I walk up to the teachers desk and hand her my schedule.

"Jude Jacob." She reads aloud then looks down at me. "I'm your math teacher Mrs. Guzman. Welcome to my class and take a seat anywhere you like."

I look around the classroom and notice a couple of empty seats.

"You can sit here."

I look up and see a boy with hazel eyes and blonde hair and he's wearing a plaid flannel shirt with ripped jeans at the knees. I make my way over and sit down next to him. He turns towards me and reaches out his hand.

"Hi. I'm Connor Stevens, what's your name, again?"

I smile and shake his hand.

"I'm Jude. Jude Jacob."

That day will forever be engraved in my memory. I'm interrupted from my thoughts as Mariana comes into mine and Jesus' room.

"Hey, Judicorn. Connor's gone home already?"

"Yeah, he left like twenty minutes ago. We had a really good talk about us. We're thinking about coming out at school. Do you think its a good idea?"

She comes in and sits down next to me on my bed.

"If you think it is, by all means go for it. You have people standing by your side including us and Mama. And if something goes wrong, well we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Now there's something i want to show you, Get up."

I look at Mariana and get up nervously and follow her to her bedroom. I sit on her bed as she rummages through her belongings until she finds what she's looking for. She comes back over towards me. She reveals a bottle of blue nail polish and a big grin escapes across both of our faces.

"Mind if I paint your nails for your date tomorrow, Judicorn?"

I nod furiously.

"I'd be honored."

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