Chapter 27: The Talk & Forehead Kisses

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Jude's POV:

Hugging and crying. Wrapped in Connor's embrace. Breathing in everything Connor. I calm down and my breathing becomes more natural as i look up at him.

"Connor, how did we get here?"

He looked down at me.

"What do you mean?"

I sigh as I snuggle closer into my boyfriend.

"I mean here. Where we are right now. Why can't we face everything together instead of fighting about it?"

Connor tenses under me and I know I hit a nerve.

"You shouldn't have lied about it, then we wouldn't be arguing about it."

I get up from snuggling against him to sit upright.

"Easy for you to say."


I stop him mid sentence.

"I didn't come here to argue, Connor. I came here to see if we could look past this. Can we?" I say looking back towards him.

Connor just looks down at his bed and lets out a aggravated huff.

"I don't know, Jude."

I sigh irritatedly.

"What do you mean you don't know. Connor, I'm sorry about all of it. I admit that. I do. But this is not all my fault. You left me alone for a week when we could have already buried this, and yet here we are because you're too damn stubborn to talk about why this is bothering you so much. We're boyfriends. We need to talk about these things." I finish.

"You mean how you talked to me about the shooting range." He remarked.

I throw my hands up.

"You know what, you want to wallow in your self pity and not let this go. Thats your fault. Just don't expect me to keep waiting for you." I say getting up and heading towards the door when Connor leaps off his bed and stands in front of the door, blocking me from leaving.

"Move, Connor." I say tensely

"No. I'm not moving. I'm not gonna let you walk out on me," He sighs and runs a hand through his dirty blonde hair. "Can't you see that I just don't want to talk about it right now. I just need you to be there for me. If you leave me, Jude, I'll never be okay again." He says pulling me into a hug and crying desperately on my shoulder.

"Please, don't leave me Juju. I'll be devastated to see you walk out that door. I need you." He pulls away and holds me at arms length looking deep into my eyes, where he can see past them and see the real Jude, standing before him.

"I love you."

My breathe immediately catches in my throat and my legs feel wobbly like they could collapse from under me. Butterflies erupt into my stomach all the same. Those three words hold me hostage when they come from Connor's lips. The vulnerability in his eyes make me shudder because I've never seen him look so broken before. Almost as if he would lose sanity if I even attempted to reach for the doorknob to leave him. Thats when i realize that I need him more than he could need me. I don't even want to imagine a day where there's no Connor in my life.

I reach up and pick up his chin and our eyes meet and I could hear Connor's faint whimpering.

"Juju," he starts.

I pull him closer and hug him tightly.

"Its okay, Connor. It's okay. I wouldn't dream of ever leaving you for good. I love you too. More than you can imagine."

He's My Boyfriend: A Jonnor FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ