Chapter 33: Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

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Jude's POV:

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I grimaced cause I don't even have to look to know who it was.

I was currently pinned to my locker by Blake, who wouldn't let go of me. His hands were grabbing the collar of my shirt,pulling me upward against the locker. I had to do something, but I was frozen in fear.

Until I heard Connor's voice. I know that he should always protect me, but he shouldn't have to fight every battle for me. I reached up and socked Blake square in the jaw. His grip on me released and I completely lost it.

I scratched and kicked him countless times before Connor could pull me off him.

"Jude, stop!" Connor screamed in my ear.

I shoved Connor into the locker and took off running down the hallway.

I hate school.

I immediately go to the football field and slump in between the bleachers. I didn't know what happened. Everything in me snapped once I heard Connor's voice. I was tired of feeling like the weaker boyfriend. Everybody's expectations were for Connor to protect me. I don't need it. At least I think I don't.

10 minutes. 20 minutes. 30 minutes pass by before I hear the ring of the intercom.

Jude Adams Foster please report to the principal's office immediately.

I groaned as I got up from the bleachers and trudged back into the school towards principal Monte's office. I already knew who was gonna be in there. Blake, Monte, Mama, and Connor.

I walked into the office and all eyes were glued to me.

"Can you sit down, Bubba?" Mama interjected.

I looked towards Connor but his eyes were focused on the floor, fumbling with his fingers. Blake had this hateful glare pointed in my direction. Mama looked sympathetic, and Monte just wanted to know what was going on.

"You mind telling us what happened?" Monte started.

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know where to begin.

"This is my fault!" Connor started. "I shouldn't have left him alone."

My eyes shot to Connor.

"Why would you take the blame for something you had no part in? Why are you even in here?" I questioned.

Connor looked seemingly surprised by my questioned, but nonetheless, he answered.

"Because I care about you, and I'm supposed to protect you!"

I glared down at him.

"I don't need your protection. I'm fine enough protecting myself as you can see. I don't like that people compare me as weak to you. I'm not validated to look like a lost puppy because I have a buff boyfriend, who wants to protect me from everyone. I can protect myself."

Connor just shook his head, rose to his feet and walked out of the office. I should feel guilty but I don't.

"Do you think that was necessary?" Mama asked me.

"Not for the situation at hand, but for our relationship, yes. I do." I replied.

Mama nods and I know she'll want to discuss it more in a private matter.

Monte rubs her temples and look towards Blake and back at me.

"Was he harassing you again?" She asked motioning towards Blake.

"Yes. He was. I was grabbing my books from my locker when he slammed my locker in my face. He then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and had me pinned against my locker with his fist in my face. I had already planned to meet Connor back at the classroom, I guess I was taking too long, and he came looking for me. Connor saw what was happening and yelled at Blake and I snapped when I heard his voice. I couldn't let him protect me this time. My pride took over I guess you could say. I punched, kicked, and scratched Blake before Connor could grab me. I shoved Connor into the lockers and ran out of the hallway and to the bleachers until I was called here." I finished.

Mama's face scrunched up as she tried to make sense of what I just said, while Blake and Monte sat quietly.

"Are you okay?" Mama asked.

"Physically, yes. Emotionally, No. I think I really hurt Connor's feelings, and I don't know what I should do about it."

"Well," Monte started "Since Blake started the confrontation, You are suspended from school for 3 days. Jude you will serve detention for the rest of the week considering Blake's injuries."

"But that's not fair. It was self-defense."

"That may be the case, but its still fighting, there will be consequences," She interjected. "Now Jude, you may go. Blake I will be calling your parents to inform them of your behavior."

I got up and quickly walked out of the office and towards my next class, which I shared with Connor.

I entered the classroom and once again, all eyes were on me. I trudged to my seat next to Connor. I looked towards him, and he gave me a smug look. Its not like I didn't deserve it. I reached out and touched his hand, but he yanked his hand away from me. I sighed and pulled out my notebook and doodled for the rest of class. I didn't really care what was being taught. I just wanted to go home.

Lunch time rolled around and Connor was still ignoring me. I couldn't care much at the moment. I had detention to serve.

After school, I walked home not even bothering to wait for Connor, he probably didn't even want to talk to me right now anyway.

I reached home and went inside to the kitchen.

Moms and Connor were at the table.

"We need to talk!"



There is a Part 2 to this chapter. I'm gonna be posting the other half before next Monday, but don't worry, you'll still get a chapter Next Monday!
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Stay Tuned and May Jonnor Be With You!

He's My Boyfriend: A Jonnor FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora