Chapter 3: Wake Up!

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Jude's POV:

I glance up at the clock that read 11:14am. I sigh. Everything seems so different. I can't stop crying. It's already been 2 weeks since the crash and Mariana still hasn't woken up. Connor has been trying to make me feel better but I think I'm pushing him away. I don't mean to, it's just that I really want Mariana to wake up already. I miss her sass. I miss her helping me paint my nails. I miss her. Everybody walks around with their heads down hoping for news that she'll wake up!

I decide to get up and head downstairs for breakfast. Moms are talking about Jesus, and how he gets to come home today. I'm happy that he's okay! I'm more connected with Mariana though.

"Hey, sweetie. How's your morning?" Mama asks me.

"It's fine, I guess. Where's Callie?" I ask.

"She had an early shift at work. She'll be home around 4."

I nod. I pick up my phone and notice I have 3 missed calls from Connor. I pull up his number and call him.

"Hello!" Connor exclaims.

"Hey. Sorry I'm barely calling you back, barely woke up not too long ago."

Connor sighs.

"Are you okay, Jude?" He questions.

"I'm fine."

"Good. You want to hang out today, go to the beach or something?"

"Sure, it's better than walking around here moping." I laugh.

Connor laughs.

"Great, I'll have my dad drive us. I'll be there in half an hour to pick you up!"


"Bye Judicorn!"

"Ugh, Bye Connor!"

I hang up and tell Moms that Connors gonna pick me up to go to the beach in a half hour. They say I need the time to have some type of fun. I relax and head upstairs to shower and get dressed.

"Jude, Connor's here." I hear Mama say from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a second." I yell back.

I walk downstairs and see Connor in a plaid shirt with ripped jeans at the knees. Typical Connor. I smile. He's still on crutches for another couple of days. We've been hanging out everyday since he got out the hospital two weeks ago. I haven't really been into it. I have too much on my mind. Especially involving Mariana and Callie.

"Jude." Connor says waving his hands in front of my face, snapping me back to reality.

I look up at Connors face and smile.

"Sorry, ready to go?"

"We can stay here if you want to. We can talk."

"No, it's fine. I need to get out of the house."

Connor smiles and grabs my hand and leads me to his dad's truck. We hop in and Adam greets me.

"Hey, Jude. How are you today?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Never better."

I smile. Connor looks back at me and gives me a sincere look. I frown. I hate that I'm making him feel so obligated to make me feel better all the time. This isn't something I can just act like it isn't happening. We pull off and start heading in the direction of the beach. I look out the window at all the passing trees and people and think how everyone looks so happy. I was that happy two weeks ago when Connor asked me to be his boyfriend. Why it seems longer, I have no idea.

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