Chapter 25: ....Or Does It?

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Note: Flashbacks in Italics!

2 Weeks Later!

Jude's POV:

"Please tell me you're joking!" Connor says frankly as his anger is rising.

I just fumble with my fingers and look down before looking back at him.

"Why is this such a big deal to you?"

He glares at me and points an accusing finger.

"You keep doing this. You always put your feelings first and throw mines out the window. Did you ever stop to think of how this would affect me? No you didn't. You took it up on your own to not even tell me. You hid this from me! Why?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't approve. I'm sorry, Connor." I try to reach out for him but he snatches away from me.

"You should have thought about that. I'm so mad at you, I can't even look at you! I'm gonna go before I say something I regret." He walks away from me to the door before glancing back.

"I love you, but I just need time to process this."

With that he was gone.


That was a week ago.

Its not like we haven't argued before but that was one of our worst arguments. I still didn't understand why he made such a big deal about it.

I know you're probably wondering what we're arguing about. Let's start back to 2 weeks ago right after the party.


I walk up to Connor and he's at his locker. I didn't know how to bring the situation up. I don't know how to tell him that I'm still worried about our relationship and frankly I was still experiencing the traumatic gunshot sound playing over and over in my head.

He's My Boyfriend: A Jonnor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now