Chapter 15: Family Day

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Jude's POV:

Sitting along the beach,hearing the waves crash against the shore. Everything for once seemed perfect. Content. I look back at the family and everyone Is doing their own thing. Moms are sunbathing underneath an umbrella. Callie is with Mariana and Tia. They're showing her a new dance. Brandon is with Mike, Connor and Adam talking about Brandons music. Jesus is setting up a volleyball net. Me, I'm just sitting here alone waiting for something to go horribly wrong. Why? I have no absolute idea. Life's like that sometimes. Everything could be going so great and then something drastic happens. I glance back at Connor and see he's already looking my way. I smile at him before turning to look back at the waves of the ocean. The seagulls are flying about looking for food. My mind travels to Connor and how happy he looks at this exact moment. I can't believe we've made it this far and how he continues to stick by my side. I smile to myself. I'm interrupted by my thoughts when I hear a throat clearing. I look up to see Adam smiling down at me.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks.

I nod my head as he sits down beside me. I glance back at Connor and he shrugs.

"So, how are you?" Adam asks me.

"I'm fine and you?"

"Couldn't be better. I um, just wanted to talk to you about Connor."

I look up at him questioningly.

"What about Connor?"

He looks back at Connor and smiles.

"I just like seeing him that happy. To know that its because of you, its pretty weird sometimes, but I'm glad he has someone like you. I'm sorry for being judgemental about your friendship. It wasn't because of me being homophobic because its not. I just didn't want Connor to have to go through what gay people go through. Its tough to not be accepted by your peers. I didn't want that to happen to him and get bullied like you did. Connor's been telling me a lot about how you guys became friends. Its pretty inspiring. I just wish I was there to listen to what he had to say at the time. I was so focused on his baseball and not really asking if he liked it or not. He's been asking me for a while now to really get to know you and I'd like to do just that, if its okay with you, that is?"

"Its perfectly fine with me. I'm glad to know that you approve of our relationship. It really means a lot to both of us. We've been through a lot in the past month or so. Connor getting shot, the car crash then the whole baseball incident. Its great to know that I have my family and Connor and now you to be there for me. Its heart warming. Thank you, Adam."

He smiles genuinely.

" Your welcome Jude."

He outstretches his arms.

"Can I get a hug?"

I laugh.

"Sure." I say as he engulfs me in a fatherly hug.

"Anyone ready for some volleyball?" Jesus yells across the beach.

We break the hug and look Jesus' way.

"Let's go play." Adam says as he gets up and lends a hand to me and helps me up.

We run to Jesus and everybody crowds around the volleyball net.

"So who wants to be team captains?" Jesus asks.

"I think Moms should be team captains." I chime in laughing.

"That's a great idea." Callie says.

Moms glance between each other before nodding.

"Okay. I'll take Jesus." Mama says.

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