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Justin and I have continued to spend time together for the past two days. And, like we agreed, both of us just continued to ignore what happened between a us. We're just friends.

Anyways, nothing could ever happen between us. It's just unrealistic. We've only known each other for a week, I'm leaving today, he's eventually going back on tour. It's most likely that we don't ever see each other again. We may talk over the phone, but that will probably stop after a while.

I've been trying to adjust myself back to reality. But it's hard. I'm with him all day, I don't know how I'm supposed to get back to reality.

I spent yesterday with him again, and I stayed at his room until very late. Nothing happened between us, obviously. We just talked, got to know each other better, and I stole his hoodie, which I'm wearing right now.

I was currently alone in the suite, Ashley has also been spending a lot of time with Fredo. It's kinda cute, they seem like they might have a chance. I support her, although I still think it's too soon to start dating him. Although, it's nice to have a fling.

I was putting some cream cheese on a toast in the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I put the knife down and took a bite of the bread before waking to the door.

"Hey you." Justin welcomed himself in. "Hi." I closed the door as I finished with my toast.
"What brings you here today?" I asked, which he found funny.

"My hoodie." He said. I poured and wrapped my hands around it. I don't want to give it back!

He laughed and shook his head. "I'm just kidding. You can keep it. That way you can wear it whenever you miss me." He said.

"I think I won't miss you." I said. "Really?" He folded his arms. I shook my head. "I think you will." He said as he walked closer to me. "I don't." I said.
He picked me up, making me let out a loud squeal, then he threw me on the couch. He got on top of me and started ticking me.

"No! Stop! Justin!" I yelled, but laughed uncontrollably. He continued to do so while also laughing at me.

"Stop!" I whined. I hated being tickled, it's so annoying!

I put my hands on his chest and tried to pull him away, but I didn't have any strength in me.

"Okay, I'll stop." He said, and got off of me. I sat down and next to him and fixed my hair.

"Hey, remember the first day we saw each other here?" He spoke. "Yeah?" I looked at him.

"I pretended I didn't know you." He said. "What?" I said. I'm confused. "I had seen you before. In my concert and earlier that day,heating something. I just pretended I didn't know you because I didn't know what to tell you." He said while smiling.

"Are you serious? You saw me in your concert?" I asked him in shock. So he saw me fangirling and crying! This is so embarrassing.

"Yeah. Why did you cry tho?" He asked. "Oh my god... This is so embarrassing ." I said while covering my face making him chuckle. "Tell me! We're best friends now." He said.

I removed my hands from my face and looked at him. "We're not best friends." "Yeah we are." He said. I shook my head in disagreement and he did the opposite.

"Just tell me!" He said. "Fine! This is so embarrassing ." I said. "Okay." He said, waiting for me to finally say it.

"Keep in mind that I didn't know you." I said. "If I did, I wouldn't had."

"Charlotte!" He got annoyed.

"I was crying because I wanted to be the OLLG." I said very fast. He started laughing and my cheeks turned red.

"Stop laughing at me!" I whined. "If I had known how annoying you really are I would've never even had a crush on you!" I said.

"That hurt." He said. "so, you don't still want to be it?" He asked. "No." I said. He nodded and looked away.

"Can I ask you something?" He spoke. "What?"

"How many bags you packed?" He asked. I looked at him confused and said "one." "To take him back? How many either a ors?"

"But no more! If you let me inside of your world..." my face dropped and he pulled me closer to him as he kept singing.

"I hate you."

He laughed and continued "but when you're mine, in the world, there's gonna be one less lonely girl." He finally finished.

"You're so mean to me." He said. "I'm just trying to fulfill your fantasy."

I laughed and pulled away from him. "Fulfill my fantasy?" He pulled me closer again and laughed. "I'm just trying to make you happy." He said.
I was now sitting on his lap with my hand on his neck.

"You should really work on the way you express yourself." I said, as a joke. "I know. I'm sorry." He said.

"Sometimes you can come off really rude." I said.


"I think you do it on purpose." She said. "Because you're scared of being yourself, so... you cover it by being an asshole."

I know she's teasing me, but she was right. I am scared. I am scared of other people's opinion on me, I was scared of failing to meet everyone's expectations , and I was afraid of this.

I don't want to rush into things, but lately I've been having trouble trying to control myself around her. I like her so much. But I don't want to blow it.

We heard the door being unlocked and Charlotte quickly jumped off me.

"Oh, hey guys." Ashley said as she walked in. "Charlotte, have you talked to your dad?" She asked. "No. Why?"

"He told me that we're leaving in like an hour so, you should start packing." She said and walked to her room, I'm guessing.

"Well, I should go." I said and got up. She got up and wrapped her tiny arms around me. I picked her up, so I could give her a better hug.

"I knew you were gonna miss me." I joked. She laughed and said "Yeah, I will."

I put her back on the floor and said "We are still hanging out, right?" "Yeah." She giggled.

I wanted to kiss her so bad.

"I'll see you later?" She said. I nodded and said "Text me when you're done packing, okay?" She nodded and walked me to the door.

Before I reached for the door, she quickly pressed a soft kiss on my cheek. I turned around and gave her a smile.

"Bye Jay."

"Bye Cutie."

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