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Charlotte's POV

"You're lying." "I don't believe you." Ariana said as she laughed and shook her shoulders.

"I mean, I'm so happy for you that you guys are back together. Finally. But there's no way you guys didn't fuck." She said. "Ariana!" I slapped her arm for being so loud about it.

"We don't need to have sex." I said. She scoffed and said "You sound like you need to get railed. How long has it been? Like four months?" She asked, making me roll my eyes. "And! He's going to leave tomorrow morning, then you probably won't see him for like another two months, that's like half a year without sex." She said.

"I think you should make the first move, cuz knowing the type of person he is, he probably won't do anything out of respect for you. Since you just got back together."

"You need to stop worrying about my sex life." I said and walked away from her, and headed to my next class.

"Hey." Cameron said while while putting me on a headlock and rubbing my head. "Ow! Stop." I said as I pushed him off.

"Haven't seen you in a while, were you been?" He asked as we took our seats. "Let me guess, pop star."
"Ding, ding, ding!" I said as I turned around to look at him. He rolled his eyes and I glared at him. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He said. "No. Tell me." I said. He shook his head and said "Let's see how long you last this time."

I looked at him in disbelief and said "Excuse me?" He chuckled and said "I don't like him Charlotte. He doesn't take you seriously, you're just gonna keep getting hurt." "You're just saying that." I said.
"No, he's an immature, selfish, narcissistic fuck. He's manipulating you. He saw you were moving on and pulled his depressive alcoholic- junkie card so you would take him back out of pity." He said. "I'm not with him out of pity." I argued. "Did you already let him get in your pants?" he asked.

I can't believe the way he's acting. "You know what? Go fuck yourself Cameron. Give me advice when you learn how to maintain a relationship."
He laughed and said "The same way you maintain it?"

What is his problem today?

I gave him a dirty look and got up from my seat, grabbing my bag and books. "Cutting class? That's your solution?" I heard him say, but instead of answering him I flipped him off and kept walking.

"You're already adopting his attitude?" Was the last thing I heard him say before exiting the classroom.

I've never actually skipped class, not unless it was for a dancing rehearsal, or another extracurricular activity. I didn't know what to do now. It's not like I can exit the building, there's literally no way, every exit stays locked until the last bell rings. Thank god there's only one class left.

I sighed and left my things by the auditorium, then I went to the dance studio and see what group was in there. Maybe I could help in something.

"Hi." I said as I opened the door. "Charlotte?" "What are you doing here?" The teacher asked surprised. I shrugged my shoulders and asked "what are we doing?" "Hairspray choreography, you remember it?" She asked; we had done this musical in ninth grade. "Of course." I said. "Alright everybody, lets see if Charlotte still hits it." She said as Your Can't Stop The Beat began to play. I chuckled and went to the front of the class. I remembered it like it was yesterday, I was Penny.

Once I showed them I remembered it, I gained a few claps and cheers, and then I helped them with the rest of the choreographies. Until the bell rang.

I ended up staying more time there, I was having a lot of fun, and I really had nothing better to do.

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