Chapter 59 - Few Blocks Away

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- Go back? You mean leave the hotel?

- Well, yeah - Amelia replied - It's that or we'll need to start paying for it. The insurance will stop covering for the expenses soon.

I bit my lip and turned to face George; he looked worried. "Is everything okay?" he asked "Just give me a minute" I mouthed.

- When exactly? - I asked my aunt on the phone - When will they stop covering the expenses?

- On monday - she responded - 2 days from now, I think they gave us enough time.

- Yeah... - I lied.

No. No they didn't. It wasn't enough time, I didn't think there could be a proper amount of time for me to leave, to leave my friends, to leave...George. It wasn't that big of a deal to leave the hotel, it was just a few blocks away, but I had too much fun at the hotel and it was easier to spend time with George in there. Also, having him at my aunt's flat would make people even more suspicious.

I looked down to the car's floor and George lifted my chin up, he still had a worried, scanning my face trying to figure out what was going on, grabbing my hand and stroking it gently with his thumb.

- Okay, look I know this is big news - Amelia said - So I'll see you at the hotel in...5 hours? Let's have dinner and discuss about this properly okay? And please don't be late Laura.

- I won't, I'll see you there - I gulped - Bye.

- Bye - she hanged up.

"What's wrong?" George asked, I didn't say anything,  just closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. Counted to ten inside my mind, there was too much going on again, but I could do this, it was easy, it was simple, it was sad but we could work that out. "Laura?" he questioned, I opened my eyes and layed my head on his shoulder, "I'm leaving" I finally answered.

In a flash he took my head off his shoulder and cupped my face in his hands, "What did you just say?" his tone was worried, angry or sad? A mixture of them all I suppose. "You said you were staying here for 3 months!" "Jesus, George!" I pulled away from his grip "The hotel, I'm leaving the hotel" I explained myself "My aunt's flat is fixed"

"Oh, well, that's better" he fell onto his seat, sounding relieved "I didn't know you were gonna be more worried than me" I smiled "Of course I would!" he replied "I don't want to lose my girlfriend for god's sake!" "But George..I'm leaving in 2 months" I pointed out quietly.

"Yeah, I know" he muttered under his breath "But still, it gives us time. I thought you were leaving today, it would be much worse, don't you agree?" "Yes, of course" I responded "Yet, this is a relationship with an expiration date, don't you think we should've put more thought about this before starting it?" "Don't say that, don't say expiration date" he frowned "When we got together I wasn't thinking straight when we were in Ella's room...I just knew I wanted to be with you so bad", I felt my cheeks burning crimson after his small revelation.

"Well, at least the distance between us will be few streets not thousands of miles, plus an ocean" I said "For now" "Stop worrying" George put his arm around me again "Let's just take this slow, wander around, see where it goes" "Wander around?" I questioned him "I don't want to wander around, I am settled right here with you, you're what I want".

"I don't mean it like that, not be with other people" he explained "Let's just not think about the time right now, let's be relaxed and enjoy each other companies while we can. We'll work things out later" "Okay" I finally gave in.

Comforting silence invaded the car again and was more than welcomed. I didn't know about George but I was particularly fond of silence. I imagined a perfect scenario; having someone in your room late at night. Have them look into your eyes and not say anything but yet, still have so many things said. It was beautiful the things words unsaid could accomplish.

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