Chapter 16 - The Call

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Suddenly I feel arms around me. I’m being hugged. I look up, it’s Ella. “I saw everything” she said “Who is that blonde girl?” I asked between the tears “I don’t know, but I’ve seen her before, I think it’s a fan” she responded sitting by my side on the floor “One of the most crazy ones I’ve seen” “And rude too” I agreed. We just sat there and didn’t say anything, stayed like that for a while, but I decided to break the silence “Argh, I shouldn’t be crying!” I said wiping my tears “Relax Laura, it’s okay to cry” Ella tried to comfort me “The thing is, I rarely cry. I don’t like to do it in front of people”. It was true, I didn’t want people to see my wet face and red eyes. It made most of them uncomfortable cause they wouldn’t know how to act, luckily Ella wasn’t one of those people. “You want me to leave?” she asked “No, you’re okay, I just don’t like to cry in front of strangers mostly” I replied “Hey, I know someone who can help. Stay here” she said going back to Rylan’s room.

I sighed and tried not to thought about everything that happened, I didn’t want to cry again. Understand, my crying was not the kind you see in movies, it was real life crying, ugly stuff. And I wasn’t use to cry that much too, I knew that it was not only because of George that I had tears coming out of my eyes, alcohol was one of the reasons too; you know, there are many kinds of drunks and in my case when I drink I become a sassy motherfucker, but after a while I turn into a crying baby. You could see I was in the final state of my drunk phase.

2 minutes later Ella came back, bringing Jaymi with her “Hey Laura” he said hugging me “I hate that blonde bitch too” “But isn’t her one of your fans? You’re not suppose to hate fans Jaymi!” I replied “Of course not, I love my Jcats! But that drunk bimbo isn’t a fan, she’s a lunatic crazy stalker!” he explained “Everywhere we go she is there, she thinks she’s George girlfriend. He doesn’t like her, he barely knows her! And she is rude and thinks he loves her” “I witnessed her rudeness, I believe you” I said hugging Jaymi back “And you know love, you need to understand that George cares about you” he said “I care about him too…” I admitted “No, you don’t understand he really really like-” Jaymi was saying something but he covered his mouth “What? He really really what?” I asked him “Tell her!” Ella said “Oh god, Ella you know we can’t say anything, we promised him!” “You promised him what?!” I asked again, “Jaymi she needs to know!” Ella said “Ah to hell with the promise” he agreed “George likes you Laura, he really really likes you” “W-what?” I mumbled.

George liked me? He really did like me? I wasn’t sure that my ears were in full functioning, I knew he may had some interest in me, but I could never have thought he actually likes me. “Are you sure?” I asked “Of course we are!” Ella answered “You two are like meant to be! And I know you like him too missy” Jaymi said “H-how do you know that?” I replied giving Ella a threatening look “Hey, I didn’t say anything” she defended herself “Laura, love, I’m gay, I know stuff” Jaymi said “Y-you’re gay?” I mumbled, “Yes” he responded “But you are so pretty Jaymi! Your fans will be devastated!” I said. I didn’t know he was gay, I mean, I knew he dressed like a model and sang like a superstar, but that was the deal with famous singers. “Oh, they already know! They love my boyfriend Olly, they even ship us, Jolly!” he laughed “Well I always wanted a gay friend” I said smiling “I am your gay friend and your favorite one!” he hugged me tight “Aw, I love you Jaymi” I said hugging him back “And I want to meet Olly!” “You’ll love him, he’s really nice” Ella told me “You will meet him soon, but now let’s focus on things with George!” 

“He likes you, you like him! You need to work out stuff and date!” he said “Ok, Jaymi calm down, I think I need to talk with him first” I replied “That’s what I said! Work out stuff, then you two date!” he clapped hands “We’ll ship them!” Ella said, fangirling with Jaymi “Omg you guys…stop please” I blushed. While Ella and Jaymi were choosing the ship name for me and George, “Leorge orGaura!” they said laughing (both sucked very much), my face was getting even redder, when I heard my phone ringing:

Hello? - I said answering the call

Hey Laura, it’s Alex.

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