Chapter 35 - The Reason

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What?! - I asked - They wanna what?

-That’s right! You heard me! Xtra Factor producers wanna talk to you!

- Why? Why would they?

- Well, don’t ask me. I don’t know - she replied - I just received a call from one of them, asking for your number.

- And you gave it to them?!

- No! That’s why I’m calling you, I didn’t know if you’d want that, so I told them to give me their number and I would pass it on to you. - she explained

- Aw Ella, you always know what to do!

- I know, you can thank me later- she joked - But anyway, I wonder what they want with you.

- Hum, probably just apologize by the unauthorized filming or whatever

- I also thought that, but why would producers wanna apologize? They don’t usually do that…

- I’m sure it’s nothing - I said

- Or is it? - she giggled

- Ok Ella you can stop right there, don’t have any ideas! - I told her 

- Alright, alright, no need to be grumpy - she sighed - I’ll text you the number ok?

- Ok, thank you Ells, bye

- Bye and don’t forget to tell me everything later!

- Sure - I hanged up

I was a bit concerned. Why the hell would Xtra factor producers wanna talk to me? Just a normal girl, that well, not so normal considering her new famous singer friends, quick appearances on TV and articles on celebrity websites about her. 

“It’s nothing” I said out loud “What’s nothing?” I heard a voice behind me, “Hum, nothing” I replied awkwardly, “So nothing is nothing?” she asked again “Yeah, you could say that”.

“You suck at lying” my aunt smiled “Tell me while you have the chance” “First, I don’t suck at lying, I’m actually really good at it. Second, I wasn’t lying, I was omitting. That’s why it sucked” I defended myself “Sure” she laughed “I was gonna tell you anyway” “So tell me now” she said.

“Ok, hum, Ella told me that some people are trying to reach me, they wanna talk to me…” I started explaining “What people?” Amelia asked “How can I say it…Xtra factor producers” I answered, not knowing what to expect of my aunt’s reaction.

“Wow” she gasped “Those are really important people Laura. You must have caught their eye” “If I did, I’m sure they are in an urgent need of glasses” I laughed “Don’t say that, have you at least called them?” she asked “No, that’s the thing. Since you’re my aunt, the adult here, the -I hope- responsible one, I think you should talk to them” I decided “If you say so…after breakfast we make the call”

“Are we going downstairs?” I asked “Yep, just give me ten minutes to be ready!” she yelled from the bathroom. 10 minutes is not the time you should estimate regarding a woman’s action. It took her half an hour to get ready and another half an hour for us to eat. We talked a lot, making theories about why they wanted to contact me.

“Maybe they’re mad at me” I said “Ridiculous, why would they be?” Amelia asked. We were at one of the restaurant’s table, luckily nobody from the X factor was around, they all disappeared for some reason (thanks god). “Because of the George thing or the sugarscape fight or even making an apperance at the show without their permission” “If anybody should be mad, it’s you. They filmed you without your consent” my aunt stated “So you think they are calling to apologize?” I asked.

“We’ll only know if we call them” she responded. My phone was on the center of the table, right between me and Amelia. I couldn’t make up my mind, I just kept staring at the mobile. “Do it” she said, I took a deep breath and dialed the number.

“You talk to them” I said throwing the phone at her, “Calm down it’s just a phone call, you’ll survive” Amelia said picking it up, I couldn’t hear what the other person was saying, just my aunt.

“Hello, this is Amelia Carter, Laura’s aunt” “Her friend Ella Henderson told us you were trying to reach her” “Are you serious? Like really serious?” “Oh my god, I can’t even-” “I mean, yes, of course, we’ll be there tomorrow” “8 it’s good for us, we’ll meet you there” “Thank you, bye” she hanged up.

From a 28-year-old woman, shop owner, renowned chef, to a 16-year-old fangirl. Yep, that was my aunt.

“What did they say?” I asked curiously “I don’t think they wanna apologize” she replied “Why?” I asked again “They want to have a meeting with you” she said “A business meeting”.

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