Chapter 6 - Pushed by Fangirls (Again)

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The next couple of days were pretty awesome. After figuring out the problem with the coffe machine Amelia picked me up at the hotel and took me to the most amazing places ever. I’m talking about shops really, but of course the Portobello Road Market, Big Ben and Regent’s Park were also really nice.

On the downside I haven’t seen George for 2 days, yet we were always texting each other. He telling me about the X factor rehearsals and me talking about the great deals I had made on Primark.

“I bought so much stuff I’m afraid I’m gonna need another bag!” Amelia laughed as we were arriving at the hotel. Both of us with our hands full of bags containing scarves, dresses, jeans and tops. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not rich, neither is my aunt, the thing was; in London stuff was expensive, damn expensive. And to get great clothes with a reasonable price we needed to go outside of town to explore and search for cheaper shops, but that required a lot of time and effort. It’s not everywhere you find a cute skirt for only £8!

Tired from the shopping we just wanted to get in our beds and order Chinese food, but on the entrance of the hotel there was…let’s say an inconvenience. Well I cannot say I was too surprised. I had already seen the lots of screaming girls and photographers trying to get a glimpse of George and his band mates. Yes, Union J was blocking the way to my room, again.

“Oh god, so that’s the bad thing about sharing hotels with famous people” my aunt said “You just can’t get in”

I looked at her and sighed, “It’s okay Amelia, I’ve already been through this. Just follow my lead” I entered on the little crowd and started to make my way through the entrance. I saw the same security guy from the other day and he winked at me trying to hold some of the fans back, I mouthed a thank you and continued to walk. Behind me my aunt was trying to be polite, always muttering “I’m so sorry” “Excuse me” “I just want to enter in the hotel”

 I was almost reaching the stairs when a girl pushed me too hard and I fell on the ground. Thankfully I was still holding the bags, so I just snorted with rage and looked up to see who I was planning to scream at, when a pair of hands helped me up from the floor “Hey are you okay, Laura?” George asked looking concerned, I blushed in surprise “Yeah I think so” I responded “We are always seeing each other this way” he giggled helping me with the bags “You mean, me being always tired, sweaty and mistreated by your wonderful fans?” I smiled sarcastically “Well fans can overreact a little bit” he said “Just try to keep them calm” I replied.

Amelia suddenly appeared, emerging from the crowd, “Laura dear I just saw you fell” she said worried “Are you alright?” “Yes Amelia, I'm okay don’t worry” I answered shaking my arms, then she noticed George by my side. “And who is this handsome boy?” she asked smiling “Is he from the X factor? Did he help you Laura?” I blushed again, George laughed and was about to say something but I interrupted him and started to push my aunt to the entrance “Yes, George is in the X factor, it’s all right now we can go Amelia” I said nervously trying to run to the doors, “But what about the boy? Aren’t you gonna thank him?” my aunt demanded, I looked back and George was downstairs looking at me and trying not to laugh  “Thanks Shelley, try to keep your fans away from me” I shouted “And you try to stop stalking me! I always see you on these stairs!” a smirk plastered on his face.

I grimaced at him and entered in the hotel “So, who is this George guy?” my aunt asked curiously “When did you meet him?" “The night I arrived at the hotel” I sighed “He’s cute” Amelia said “You should totally go for him!” “Amelia!” I rolled my eyes “I met him 3 days ago” I said, “I don’t know him” “But you could! He seemed to like you” she teased me “He was just laughing at me for being pushed by one of his fans” I replied “No he didn’t he helped you! He was concerned! He cares  for  you!” she said.

“How can he care about me? We just met!” I responded “Well Laura, with some people there is just this click thing, you meet them and you like them” she shrugged entering on the elevator. We arrived at the room and layed on the beds, 5 minutes later I could already hear my aunt snoring.

I didn’t want to sleep, it was only 7pm, but I was so tired I felt my eyes slowly closing, but before falling asleep I thought about what my aunt had said on the elevator, this click thing. It was true, I had known him for only 3 days but I already liked him. And a lot

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