Chapter 58 - It's Fixed

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It was a windy day on that friday morning, which made me me wake up happy, I opened up the curtains and let the fresh air hit me. It was gonna be a great day. At least that's what I thought.

For the contestants, fridays weren't really a good thing. One day before the show was nerve wrecking.

"God, I'm scared" Ella bursted out at breakfast "I have no idea on who's going home tonight" "You'll be fine Ella, you're gonna be great as always" I comforted her "I hope so", everyone's terrified for tomorrow" she sighed "Lucy hasn't even left the room. I think she might be sick" "What happened?" I asked concerned "I don't know, she's been in bed since yesterday, I'm afraid she'll need a doctor" she responded "Do you think we should go upstairs and stay with her?" I wondered "Hum, I'll check on her after rehearsals and if anything happens I'll call mr.Holloway" "Let's just hope you won't be needing to make that call" I smiled.

But my smile soon faded away on that same day. Lucy was sick indeed, very ill. She did not feel good on friday and it got worst on saturday morning. Her head and health weren't in the competition. She asked to leave and she did.

Everyone was devastated, Lucy was one of the most nicest and funniest people I've ever had the pleasure to know. Everyone loved her. In result of that, they cancelled the show for the week and gave us the weekend off.

"I can't believe it" I said "I'm still shocked" "I already miss my roommate" Ella sighed "Hey, she's not dead guys, she said she'll visit us and make silly pranks again" Jaymi tried to cheer us up. We were in the green room with Josh, JJ and George. All sat, moaning for the loss of another contestant as always. We felt  like a big family, it wasn't as good when another person left, it was always sad.

That made me think a lot, about leaving, you know. I had spent one month in London and was already pretty set up with a place to stay, friends and a job. But in two months it would all be gone, I would return to Brazil. I didn't know if I had the capacity to let go of all these things, I was already too attached to the people I had known and especially to one person.

I looked over to George and he met my gaze. He gave me a sympathetic smile and I returned it. He was sitting on the other side of the room with Josh and Ella, he didn't hesitate and left his seat to join me on the couch. "Are you alright?" he whispered "Yeah" I sighed "Just a bit sad, you know" "Don't be, everything is gonna be okay" he put his hand on my leg. I smiled, I wanted to kiss him so bad.

But I couldn't, it would make things even more complicated. I gently removed his hand off my leg "Not here George" I whispered pointing to JJ who was giving us suspicious looks. "Sorry" he replied moving away a bit. 

"So" Josh said "We have the weekend off, let's do something!" "Yeah, that's the spirit!" Jaymi grinned "What are you guys thinking of?" Ella asked "We could go horse riding" JJ suggested "JJ..." Jaymi rolled his eyes. "You know, it's not actually a bad idea, I do like horse riding" I pointed out "You do?" JJ widened his eyes, I nodded. "She does! See? She does! We should totally go!" he clapped his hands in excitement.

"Didn't know you were fond of animals" George smirked "Well I am you're friend aren't I?" I replied smiling, he showed me his tongue in return "You should be happy I am" he said, I rolled my eyes "So are we going or...?"

"Hello guys" a voice interrupted, Lydia came in with a camera crew. "Hey Lydia" everyone greeted back "I know it's your weekend off but we still have some work to do" she told us "But it's not interviews and stuff, it's just public appearances" "Hum, what?" I asked "We'll take you to places, like a restaurant or something to get some footage and also meet people blabla" she responded "You mean fans?" Jaymi asked "Yeah, make you more known etc" Lydia replied.

We didn't argue, we were hungry in fact. A couple of cars took us to a sushi restaurant with the rest of the contestants. "I love japanese food" Josh said "I could eat it everyday!" "Me too" Ella grinned, she and Josh were really close these days...

I looked at her, then Josh and smirked. She noticed and just rolled her eyes at me. "Is it me or you and Josh...?" I leaned close to her, whispering "Is it me or you and George in the green room?" she replied "Shut up" I grimaced and returned to my original position.

"Did I hear my name?" George, who was sitting by my side, asked out loud "No, shut up you too" I giggled, he just smirked and continued eating his sushi.

We all had finished our meal and stayed at the table, chillin', laughing at JJ's horses and Josh's football stories, it was all good. Lydia got the camera crew to film us a for a while and now they were taking us outside, gathering people, fans, for us to meet up with.

There was a crowd outside the restaurant, mostly teenagers, girls to be more precise. The screams were loud when District3 and Union J crossed the doors, they were soon surrounded by a crowd of girls. Well, I couldn't blame them, I'd probably do the same if I was madly in love with boybands.

Ella was also very much surrounded by boys and girls, of course, an amazing singer like her had many fans. To my surprise, (yes, it still made me surprised) some people came up to me. They asked for pictures and some of them, for answers.

"Are you and George together?" "Are you dating George Shelley?" "Why are you always with George?" "Is her your boyfriend, oh my god, I'm sorry but he's mine!"

I tried to contain my laughs, fangirls were funny after all, with their drama and scandals.

"No we are not dating or together" "I'm not always with him, we just kinda of work in the same place" "And he's not my boyfriend but I didn't know he was yours, nice to finally meet you" I smiled while lying. It seemed easy to lie, I didn't want to hurt mine's or especially George's career, their fans were extremely supportive but I was afraid that the truth would harm their fan base.

I didn't know if the fangirls got the hint of sarcasm. They laughed a bit then started to ask other questions, that thanks god, weren't only about George.

We spent 15 minutes taking pictures, signing autographs and talking to fans. Then the cars arrived. People were actually nice and supportive, I wanted to stay more.

I was talking with another brazilian girl who was also in vacations in England, when George came up to me "Hey, we need to go" he said "Ah meu deus, é ele!" she fangirled "Excuse me?" he arched an eyebrow "It's portuguese" I laughed "She's said oh my god it's him" "Hum, hello to you too!" George grinned that sweet smile, oh we was charming.

George, I and the brazilian girl took a picture together, then we said goodbye to her and entered on the last car, there was no one inside it except us and the driver.

 "You seemed to be having a good chat with her" he said "Yeah, she was nice" I responded "Will you teach me portuguese?" he asked nuzzling his face against my neck "Nah" I giggled "I'm not a good teacher" "I promise you I'm a good student" he said in a low sexy voice, biting my skin.

"Georrrrge" I purred "The driver!" "Ops" he giggled returning to his seating position, he put an arm around me and we sat in the car in silence. I didn't know if the driver would tell anyone, but there was already so many rumors that what if he did say something? We would still deny it.

Comforting silence was soon interrupted by my phone.

"Who is it?" he asked, his grip tightened around me "My other boyfriend from Brazil, who else?" I mocked "Laura..." he rolled his eyes "It's just Amelia" I smirked.

- Hey - I picked up

- Hi - she said - I'm gonna cut to the chase, I have news.

- Is it boys news? - I giggled

No, it's about my flat - her tone was serious

What is it? - I felt a bit worried

It's all good, they fixed it - Amelia responded - They fixed the pipes, we can go back.

AN: Guyssss, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that I would actually return on the 19th, not the 16th! Well anyway, I'm back and already writing more stuff, so probably there will be an update next week! Till then, hope you enjoy this :D xx

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