Chapter 22 - So, Let's Kiss At The Park?

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We finished our shopping session. I was carrying only one bag, the one with the red dress, while Ella had 6, all from different shops. “Should we head back to the hotel?” I asked when we crossed the doors of the mall “No! Let’s tour around!” she responded “Tour around? In those heels? With that many bags?” I laughed “I’d like to see that” “Of course not! Let’s call the boys, they’ll get the car and we’ll go with them” she replied getting her phone “Ok…” I sighed.

After all that weird vibe I was getting from George and the twitter thing, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be around him. I mean, I was going and wanted to talk to him, but still, the twitter thing…It made me think, no actually, OVERthink. Like those 13-year-old obsessed girls that make things ten times more complicated (like me actually) “Omg, does that mean he likes me??” “I mean he said that I’m looking good!” “Wait he mentioned Ella too!” “What if he likes Ella?!” “But hell yeah we we’re looking damn good” “Hum…I need some chocolate”. Ok, I know the chocolate thought wasn’t really part of the subject, but I could use some right now.

While she called the boys I sent a text to Amelia:

To: Aunt Amelia

 Hey, I think I won’t be able to make it to lunch, I’m at the mall with Ella and the boys and I think we’ll be eating around. Sorry, but what about dinner?

 She replied quickly:

From: Aunt Amelia

No prob! I’m kind of caught up with work anyway honey so don’t worry! Dinner at 7 ok?

To: Aunt Amelia

Sure! See you then :)

I smiled; Amelia put so much effort in her work, that’s why the coffee shop was a huge success. I was thinking about going to the shop to get some cupcakes, but then I remembered of Alex and I grimaced “Great, now if I go to work I’ll have to face him” I said to myself out loud “Face who?” Ella asked “Yeah, face who?” I heard someone say, I turned around and George Shelley was there. “ one!” I replied quickly “Hey girls!” Josh, JJ and Jaymi said arriving after George.

“Yey, you’re here!” Ella cheered up “Let’s do something! Let’s run around, go somewhere!” “Yeah! Let’s get matching tattoos!” Jaymi said and we all laughed “We’ll do that later mate, but now seriously, someone got any ideas?” Josh asked “And JJ, no, we’re not going to stables” “But I like ponies” he pouted “What about the Hyde Park?” George suggested “It’s next to a great restaurant, we can eat lunch there too” “That sounds great!” Ella said.


After lunch we all went to the park. I loved the trees, the green, the birds and the sunlight; I loved lying on the grass and just breathing the nature in. The boys were trying to teach Ella on how to play football, while I was daydreaming on the grass, with arms wide open and my eyes closed. I was there, feeling the fresh air, all by myself, when I felt someone lying by my side.

I opened my eyes “Hi” George grinned. God, he was looking so good. With his perfect dimples and gorgeous messy hair, just there, smiling to me. I bit my lip “Hey” I said back. We stayed there, lying in the grass. Neither of us said anything for a while, I actually was kind of afraid to say something, but luckily, he broke the silence “Laura…you were right” “About what?” I asked “About us, talking, I think we need to” he replied “Well, in Rylan’s party it seemed like you didn’t want to talk” I said “You had too much to drink! I wanted to talk with sober Laura, not drunk Laura” he replied “Hey! I wasn’t drunk” he looked at me likeseriously bitch? “I wasn’t that drunk” I corrected myself “Ok, say what you want, but drunk or not you were looking beautiful that night” he said. I blushed; he got me by surprise “Damn you boys! With all those charms and pretty compliments!” I thought, “Erm, well thank you I guess” I replied looking down “You guess? You’re always looking beautiful, like right now” he said getting closer to me.

Ok, I knew what was going to happen. But if you think it’s kind of messed up that I’m always saying about talking to George and he even agreed about it, but we only speak a few words and then it’s like things get hot, we get close. We don’t talk much, but to compensate, when we’re alone we are always making out, I mean, trying to, since nothing happened cause I ruined it!

But you know what comes right now and I do too, I’m not gonna mess this again, I’m gonna kiss the fuck out of him! I won’t make the same mistake again! “You really think that?” I asked trying to sound cute “I really do” he responded lifting my chin up (exactly like the last time on our almost-kiss!) I stared at those warm chocolate brown eyes then moved my sight to his lips. He smiled and we both leaned in.

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