Chapter 14 - Tonight

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“Wake up sweetie” I heard Amelia’s voice, “Hum” I mumbled “What time it is?” “10am” she answered “10am?! We’re late for work!” I said getting out of bed “Relax Laura! It’s sunday” she told me, “Oh, right” I facepalmed myself, “Do you wanna go to the restaurant? Today the hotel is a doing a special theme for breakfast!” she said, “Sure” I replied entering in the bathroom. I took a shower and dryed my hair, put on my favorite jeans, white shirt and red converse. The usual little touch of powder plus mascara to finish the look and ready to go.

When we arrived at the restaurant I discovered the so called special theme, yep, that’s right, X factor was the freaking theme. A really big table with all the contestants. Including my very dear friend (which I absolutely have no feelings for) George Shelley. 

“Can we eat somewhere else?” I asked Amelia “Why would you wanna eat somewhere else? Your friends are here” she said pointing to Ella Henderson and Union J. They looked at me and smiled, mouthing “Come sit here” “I don’t want to leave you alone” I turned to my aunt “I wasn’t planning on eating anyway, I need to go out and see how my flat is doing!” she answered. I had totally forgot about that. I actually wasn’t staying at the Corinthia, my real place was at the flooded flat. I was wondering when we would go back…

“Go eat with Ella and the guys, congratulate them on their performances! I’ll see you in 2 hours” she said hugging me and leaving the restaurant.

“Lauraaaa!” Ella said as I joined the table “Am I allowed in here?” I asked her “Of course! Why you wouldn’t be?” she said “I don’t know, isn’t this table only for X factor contestants?” “And their friends too” Jaymi replied smiling.

We ate and talked a lot. I mean, mostly Ella, JJ, Josh and Jaymi talked. I noticed neither I or George were really saying anything. We stared at each other for a while but the awkward silence still remained. I was kind of upset for his text last night and didn’t know if he liked me anymore. Or even if he had liked me in the first place.

While I had a mental fight in my mind with George, Ella and the boys were worried and excited for the show’s result. “Rylan made a promise that if he gets through next week, he’ll make a party at his room tonight!” Jaymi told me anxiously “A party? He’s room must be big then” I said “It’s one of the largest, but it will be like a private small,a very cool party” JJ informed me “And you’re invited” Ella pointed out “I don’t even know Rylan…” “Then the party it’s the perfect excuse for you to meet him” Josh told me “He’s a great guy, you’ll love him” Ella said, “Well, ok then, if everything goes accord to plan and he get’s through, I’ll be attending this VIP X factor meeting” I said making everyone cheer up. I looked at George and saw a brief smile, but nothing compared to the smile he had when we were cuddling about a week ago. I miss that week…

When breakfast was over all the contestants needed to go to the studios. But before leaving, Ella dragged me into a corner “So, did you work things out with George?” she asked “What do you think?” I replied folding my arms “What did you do?” “I sent him a text telling we needed to talk, but he didn’t reply and last night I sent another text congratulating him on his performance and he just answered haha thanks” I told her showing the messages on my phone. “Hum, you know what you could do?” Ella said “Just as I am doing with you right now, pull him into a corner and talk to him” “You mean, I force him to talk to me” I said sarcastically “You know what I mean, in Rylan’s party tonight, you’ll be face to face with him, then he’ll have to talk to you” she said “He’s been acting so strange, what if he doesn’t wanna talk to me? He didn’t answered my text!” I replied “He’ll have to talk with you, you just need to start talking about little things, then you suddenly mention the text and bum! He can’t ignore you this time” she pointed out “I’ll try to do that…” I responded “I wish we could talk more but I really need to go” Ella said giving me a quick hug “I’ll see you tonight then? Text me for the details” she said heading to the door.

I sighed. I had transformed a simple thing into a complicated one. Girls tend to do that huh? I headed to the elevators, calculating how many Doctor Who’s episodes I could watch till Amelia’s arrival, when the lift’s doors opened, who is coming out and accidentally bumps on me?

If you guessed George Shelley, you guessed wrong.

I’m joking, it was George actually.

“Sorry Laura” he apologized “No problem” I answered shaking my arms “We haven’t talk in a while…” he said “A week” I corrected him “But you’re going to Rylan’s party right?” he asked “Probably” “So then I’ll see you there” he replied giving me a goodbye (but still awkward) hug, “I need to go, otherwise I would stay and talk more” “Then we’ll talk tonight” I proposed “Ok, tonight” he agreed “Tonight” I repeated “Yes, tonight!” he shouted running to the hotel’s door and leaving me at the lobby. “Tonight…” I whispered to myself.

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