Chapter Twenty-One: Change

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A/N: Hey guys! So I've been having a little writers block these past few days, but I finally decided what I wanted to do with SLG! So this chapter picks up four months later, when the Alpha pack arrives in town (the same time as the premiere of Season 3) And while I am going to write in the alphas, I AM NOT going to do it the same way as in Teen Wolf! So yes the Alpha pack belongs to Jeff Davis and all of them, but I'm not going to follow the same storyline. So please dont be alarmed or comment like "that's not what happened" because I'm not doing it the way it happened on TW! Okay, thanks, hope you guys like this chapter :) 


Four months later

            “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Derek called to me as I wriggled out of his clutches and consequently nearly decapitated myself on the edge of the bed. I smirked, adjusting his t-shirt so that it adequately covered my butt and running into the kitchen, which was just down the hall in our new apartment. After a huge blowout argument, I’d finally been able to convince my mom to let me move in with Derek, with a few conditions on her part. Since Michael was off at college and Kyle would be attending a boarding school for super geniuses or whatever, I would’ve been alone at the house anyway. She’d agreed, but under the demand that I be treated as an adult if I was going to act like one. So I’d gotten a job, working as a barista at Starbucks just down the street, and Derek and I paid for everything together. Rent on the apartment, water, electricity, cable – everything. I’d been adamant about it, even though he’d refused to accept even a penny that I offered him at first. Finally I’d resorted to stealing the bills before he opened them and just paying them myself. That hadn’t lasted long, though. Now he treated me as an equal, and things between us had never been better.

“Just getting a snack, sweetie! Girl’s gotta eat, you know,” I shouted back, quickly assembling a bowlful of fruit and grabbing two water bottles out of the fridge before I returned to our bedroom. Derek was stretched out, partially covered by the blankets, with his head propped up by his folded hands. I admired his beauty for a second, standing in the doorway with the food in my hands; Derek’s well defined abs and muscular chest, his sharp cheekbones and bright, bright green eyes…Man I love him, I thought to myself as he laughed and gestured for me to join him on our bed.

“What’re you doing, just standing there?”

“Nothing. Just thinking.” I handed him the water, and he smiled gratefully at me.

“Thanks, babe,” Derek whispered in my ear, planting a soft kiss right underneath my jaw and sending shivers down my spine.

***                                                      ***                                                      ***

            Now that I was a junior, school was getting easier. I’d gotten my grades back up to their usual standard, and Stiles and I had even been bumped up to twelfth grade Pre-Calculus, which was a replacement for our electives. This meant I was taking two math classes, which some might say is suicidal. But it helped me get ahead in school, and besides, it was a good way for me and Stiles to bond. Stuck in a roomful of intimidating seniors four days a week, for an hour, left me and my best friend nothing to do but talk.

“Derek said it’s an ‘Alpha pack’,” I whispered to Stiles during my second period Pre-Calc class on Thursday, while I completed the in-class worksheet we’d been given. Stiles sat at the desk to my right, and as I answered his question he frowned.

“But what does that even mean? How can there be a pack of Alphas?”

“No clue. Derek’s kind of…vague on the details.”

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