Chapter Twenty-Five: Missing

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            Four days. Four days Erica and Cece have been missing, and Derek’s been going out of his mind trying to find them. He’d combed the entire town with Isaac and Monica – twice – all with no results. It was obvious the Alphas had taken them, but we had no idea where or how to get them back.

“I’m not going to school, Derek! I’m not leaving you here alone,” I exclaimed, taking a stance in the kitchen and frowning at my boyfriend, whose pale drawn face and fatigued green eyes were starting to worry me.

“I’ll be fine. I’m just going to do some research and see if I can come up with any more possibilities for locations.”

“No! Derek, you need to rest. You’re exhausted,” I told him softly, stepping forward and resting one hand on the side of Derek’s face. I felt the muscles beneath my hand tense up and then relax, and Derek leaned into my palm gently, turning his head to plant a kiss there.

“And I will. But you can’t keep missing school like this. I promised your mom I’d take care of you, and having you skip half the semester isn’t exactly helping-“

“I’ve only missed two days! And I can miss one more.”

“No, absolutely not. You’re going.”

“You can’t make me! I’ll stay here with you, make sure you get something to eat and lie down, and then go in for the afternoon classes. How about that?”

“Don’t you have Physics in the morning on Tuesdays?”

“Yeah, so what?”

“Chris, you told me you had a quiz in Physics today! I’m not letting you skip that,” Derek protested, shouldering past me to stalk through the living room and down the hall. With an exaggerated roll of my eyes, I followed behind him, grabbing Derek’s arm and pulling him close to me once we got into our bedroom. The proximity of Derek’s hard muscled body to mine sent shivers of lust down my back, but I tried my best to push them away. Derek needed emotional help right now, not physical remedies.

“Derek, look at me,” I said softly, craning my head up so I could stare into his eyes and make him listen to what I was saying.

“I know you’re worried about Erica and Cece, but wearing yourself thin isn’t going to do them any good. You have to rest and recuperate, and then we can figure out a new plan. Together.”

“I guess you’re right,” Derek sighed, wrapping his arms around me and falling backwards onto the bed. I landed on top of Derek’s chest, and he tugged me forward so I was completely spread over his body.

“Promise me you’ll leave when I fall asleep?”

I curled up against Derek’s warm body, glad to finally be back in his arms. I’d been sleeping alone most nights since Erica and Cece went missing, and it felt so good to be wrapped up in Derek’s embrace again. I nodded, tilting my head up to kiss Derek softly before laying my head against his chest and listening to his heartbeat. The steady, fast pounding eventually gave way to slow, methodic thumps, and I knew Derek had fallen asleep. His muscles had relaxed underneath my body, and I carefully slid out of his arms and wriggled off the bed. Leaning over to cover Derek with the blankets, I kissed his cheek and rested the side of my face against his for a second. I was worried about Derek, mostly because I knew that if the Alphas had Erica and Cece, there was a good chance we’d never get them back…alive. Don’t think like that, I told myself as tears began to well up in my eyes at the thought of losing Erica. Finally, I backed away and grabbed my bag, disappearing out the door with one last look at my sleeping warrior.

***                                                                  ***                                                      ***

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