Chapter Fifteen: Betrayal

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   ****HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYBODY!!!***** Unless you're not American and in that case, have a great day :)       

               “Are you sure you wanna do this?” Derek asked me as we drove to my father’s house, the ten of us piled into another big SUV that Marcus had magically produced outside the airport. Loni sat up front with Marcus, directing him, and I couldn’t help but suspect that something was going on with the two of them. Of course, I had bigger issues to deal with and the thought was lost in the chaotic sea that was my mind at the moment. My dad had been my biggest fear since I was a little girl, and to willingly seek him out was practically suicidal for me. But now I had Derek…and even that couldn’t stem the fear that gripped me tightly and turned my entire body to ice – cold, hard, and emotionless.

“Yes.” Marcus pulled the car up in front of my dad’s house, and I stared up at the simple light blue house in awe. So this is where my father lives. Huh. I thought it would be more…evil. We’d agreed on the way there that Loni, Damien, Annie, Derek and I would all go in and talk to my dad while Milo, Jake, and Cate snuck around back and searched the house. I didn’t want to go in there, but a part of me that I’d rarely felt come out had reared its head in defense of my brothers. I loved them, and if they were here, I had to find out. No matter what the cost, I reminded myself. Damien knocked loudly on the big oak front door, and when there wasn’t an immediate answer, he knocked again more insistently.

“Guess he’s not home,” Loni said, turning to go back to the car when Annie stopped her.

“Do you smell that?”

“Smell what?”

“The house…it’s empty.”

“Yeah, we established that by knocking, genius,” Loni remarked smartly, putting her hands on her hips just as Milo, Jake and Cate joined us in front of the house.

“There’s nobody home,” Cate told me, placing a hand on my shoulder carefully. I frowned, confusion washing over me.

“So what? We’ll just come back later. Did you see any sign that Mike and Kyle have been here?”

“No Chris…the house is empty. It’s been empty for over three months.”

“W-what?” I stammered, shaking my head. What the hell did she know anyway? “No, this is the address. He gave it to Michael to give to me before he left last time.”

“Maybe he moved?” Loni offered, shifting on her feet uncomfortably as though she didn’t like what Cate and Annie were implying. Glancing around, I realized all of the vampires had the same sad, almost pitying look on their faces, and I grew uneasy.

“No, all of his stuff is still there. It’s just…left there,” Jake said quietly, and I waited for somebody to tell me what was going on.

“So what’re you saying?”

“We’re saying it looks like your father is dead.”

***                                                      ***                                                               ***

            “I mean, who the fuck do they think they are, huh? Telling me my father’s dead? Like I wouldn’t know! I’m his fucking daughter, of course I would know!” I shouted, pacing back and forth in the hotel room I was sharing with Loni. Damien had forbidden me and Derek to be alone together since the airplane incident, so I was now sharing a room with my sister. Although at the moment, she was “out” and I’d snuck Derek in here so I could rant to him.

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