Teen Wolf 3x01 Rant

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W.O.W....okay can I just rant to you guys for like five seconds about last night's Teen Wolf?? I just rewatched it and...DAMN. Okay so the thing that stands out most to me are THE TWINS!!!! Holy jesus fucking christ, they are so hot and sexy and just gorgeous beyond belief that I think I peed a little every time they came on screen...but actually :0 *eyegasm* That was ridiculous. And the producers purposefully made us fall in love with the twins, especially the scene when they walked in, all badass, and just slowly unzipped their sweatshirts...I died and went to heaven :) And even though they hurt my baby, Isaac, all is forgiven....because they're so f*cking hot. 

Okay so enough about them! What about DEREK? I mean hot DAMN. He's only gotten sexier since Season 2, I swear. And he's being all nice and older-brotherly to Scott and Isaac and it just warms my heart. But if I'm being honest, my little hormonal teen heart was going into overdrive last night because every. single. guy. was attractive! The twins, Isaac, Derek, Scott (boy can do pullups with one hand while reading? I can barely do 1 pull up!), Stiles, the random stranger in Lydia's bed, and even the Alpha nurse man who got beat up by Derek. Sidenote: for those of who you watch Big Bang Theory, THAT ALPHA NURSE WAS PENNY'S EX BOYFRIEND!!!! I died. But anyway, MTV needs to cool it with all these mega-hotties, or I'm going to have premature heart failure. Not really, I immensely enjoy the eyecandy on my screen ;) 

On another related subject, did any of you guys feel like you'd missed an episode while you were watching? I kept waiting for everything, or even something to be explained, but it never really was. I mean, we found out where Erica and Boyd were at the very last minute, but what about like, everything else? Where's Peter? And how come Allison went to France? Like WTF? Nobody cares about your life, Allison. And at least we got an explanation from Lydia about Jackson, but I mean honestly, she said Derek taught Jackson how to be a werewolf...last I checked, Derek hated Jackson's guts and didn't even want him to be a werewolf. And now all of a sudden we're supposed to believe he educated Jackson and then sent him off to London? Whatever, I'm going to miss Colton's beautiful face :( And I thought it was really cute/sad how Lydia seemed all damaged by Jackson's whole deal. Oh and speaking of crazy-werewolf-drama, who else thought it was weird how cool Scott's mom suddenly was with the whole supernatural world? I mean, let's be real here for a second. She found out her only son is a werewolf, along with a handful of other teens in his high school, and she experienced all the kanima fiasco...she should NOT be covering for Isaac! I mean I'm glad she did, but honestly, she doesnt  even know him that well. And by the way, who else thought that girl was creepy as f*ck? She knows everything about werewolves, fights like a badass, and drives a motorcycle...all of that usually spells W.E.R.E.W.O.L.F. to me, but she wasn't healing - ergo, not a wolfie. My second choice would be a hunter, but then she wouldn't be protecting Isaac. I mean this girl could hold her own against a pack of Alphas, and even Isaac couldnt do that! The only other thing I can think of is there's another kanima in town...no just kidding :p But actually, who is this girl??? I guess we'll never know, because creepy-blind-Alpha-man slashed her throat in a way that was very Supernatural (like the show - with all the blood splattering). Another thing that puzzled me...if that man was an all-powerful Alpha werewolf, wouldn't his eyes have healed themselves? I mean, being a werewolf cured Erica's epilepsy and even Scott's tattoo healed! Why wouldn't werewolfism cure blindness as well? Ah, well, a question to be answered in the coming episodes I hope. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed my little personal review on this episode, and if you agree with anything I said here - or are violently opposed to anything - please drop a comment! Thanks guys, and until next time :) xoxoxo

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