The Kiss

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So as you can see from the title, there will be a kiss in this chapter? So which characters do you think will kiss?

Chapter 52 - The Kiss

"So where do you want to go today" Quinn asks us.

"Eiffel Tower" all of us say together. My friends and I decided that were going to go to the Eiffel Tower and to all the tourist places close to Paris.

"Wow, did you guys decide on this without me" Quinn says feigning hurt.

"Yep" we say together.

"Ok get ready is 30 minutes" he tells us.


After 30 minutes of jamming to Selena Gomez and some k-pop we get ready in 20 minutes and wait for Quinn in the living room.

"Ready?" Quinn asks while calling the bodyguards to come outside.

We nod and follow him outside.

Instead of driving we walk around and go to the Eiffel Tower.

"Do you guys want to take the stairs?" asks Quinn from beside Preet.

"Um... no." Alexis and Kayla say at the same time

I just shrug I wouldn't mind taking the stairs, I do know it's a lot of steps but I need to exercise to make some space for the delicious French food here.

"Why not?" Quinn pouts.

"Is that even a question? Why would we take the stairs when there is an elevator right there" Kayla points to the elevator.

"Yea I'm just going to go on the elevator" Indra says agreeing with Kayla and Alexis.

"Same I guess" Preet says.

"What about you Jasmine" Quinn asks me.

All of my friends look at me expectedly.

"I think I'll race you up the stairs" I challenge Quinn.

"You're so on" he replies,

I don't know what happened to my friends but I just kept my gaze with Quinn's challenging one. Maybe they went up the elevators maybe they didn't.

Both of us stand at the starting of the stairs.

"Are you going countdown?" Quinn asks me,

I don't respond instead just go "3....2....1..." and run off.

"That's cheating" he says trying to catch up.

I just keep climbing the stairs two at a time, keeping my focus on the stairs so I don't trip and fall of my face.

I hear Quinn close behind me and I don't slow down.

About 1000 steps later I finally see the 'finish line'.

"In your face" I say while doing a victory dance. I couldn't breath properly from all the cardio so my words just sounded like " In....ughh..fa......c...e.." but I guess Quinn understood from the glare he was sending me.

"Well because you cheated" he said clearly in the same state as me.

"I still won" I say continuing my victory dance.

"Finally you guys made it" my friends say from beside us.

"Omg you're so sweaty" Alexis says looking at the two of us.

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