The Scavenger Hunt Part 1

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A/N - I'm really busy for the next week and I'm busy today too, but I just wanted to update something,

Chapter 31 - The Scavenger Hunt Part 1

After talking to Xavier, I just watched the rest of the movie.

It was pretty predictable, everyone died, what a surprise?

But, what now?

"Sooooo..." Xavier drawls out

"Ok, well now we're going to play some games" Quinn says

I hear everyone cheer.

"The first game of the night will be.....scavenger hunt"

Now I cheer with everyone. I love scavenger hunts.

"You can choose a team of 5-8 people. Each team will leave 5 minutes after each other. There are five sets of clues meaning that five different scavenger hunts with the same difficulty level. Choose you teams now and come to get your clues."

My friends and I go to get our clues, we already knew that we were going to be together.

"Names please" says one of the maids.

We tell her out names and she tells us the rules

" so you are team number 10, and let me go over some rules. Obviously you can't cheat by working with other teams and well you can't cheat any other way. You can also choose to quit if you can't get a clue right. There are no hints for the clues or anything, and the clues and word puzzle and riddles. Do you understand"

We all nod.

We go and stand in line, the person at the starting line gives us a yellow envelope and tell us that we will be doing the yellow course.

"Get ready, you guys will start in 2 minutes" I hear the maid say.

I look beside me and see the other teams that will start at the same time as us.

I don't know any of the teams except for one, yep Hannah's team is team red and they are kind of going to 'compete' against us.

"How do you guys know that each course is the same difficulty level and stuff" Alexis asks the maid.

"Well, I don't know if I'm suppose to tell you, but they are the same course just in a different order." the maid says.

I knew she wanted to say something else but she looked nervous like it was a very big secret.

The comes close to me and whispers in my "don't tell anyone, except for your team that I told you this. But, I really want you girls to win this, I'm Sue's sister and she's always talking about you girls. Ok so, just remember your colour yellow, if your clue..."

Before she could finish the referee said,

"Ok stand on the starting line,





A/N - I know it's short but yea.

If you have anything I should add in the future of the book PM me. You guys can also PM me if you want an update earlier, because they really motivate me :)

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