They Actually Want to Marry Him?

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A/N - I again am sorry for any mistakes :)

Chapter 5 - They Actually Want to Marry Him?

When I walked into school Monday morning the only thing everyone was talking about was Quinn's 'marriage'. I decided to go straight to the office to get two forms, one for me and one for Kayla.

I see a line outside the office and I ask one of the girls why she was standing in a line "Oh, it's for the form to join Quinn's bride selection. They ran out of forms, so the secretary is printing new ones now" 

Wow girls at this school were desperate, but who wouldn't want $1000. So I unhappily stand at the back of the line. I quickly text Kayla to meet me at the office.

5 minutes later Kayla arrives, she stands beside me.

"Why are you standing in a line?" she asks

"It's the line for Quinn's bride to be form" 

"Really?" she laughs "I can't believe so many people want to do it."

"I know right, I have been standing here for 5 minutes and the line hasn't moved" just as I said that I see the secretary looking tired holding a stack of papers.

After getting our forms, Kayla and I walk to our English class. As I enter the class, I see all the girls in my class filling their forms out, so I start filling out mine too. After I finished putting all the information in, I look beside me and see that Kayla has filled her form too. Now we just needed our parents to sign it, and we can hand it in.

"Kayla, do you know where we give our forms in?" I ask 

"No idea. Quinn is in this class right, I bet one of the girls will ask him" talk about the devil and he appears, for the first time in the year Quinn is early. He looks around and eyes the forms on the girl's desks and smirks, he is so cocky, how could he find a wife in just 6 months. 

There is an annoucement before the start of classes, to where we would hand in our forms. The principal told us to hand it in at the office by tommorow. After the announcement I look towards Kayla, and we both start laughing "Guess now we know" she says.

Ms. Smedley's class was uneventful just filled with her boring lectures of Romeo and Juliet. 

During break, which is after first period I was shocked when Kayla said "Did you know, half of the girls are not accepting the $1000, and are applying to be Quinn's wife only"

I was shocked, who would actually be willing to have a future with that man. "Well, we're just doing it for the money right?" 

"Obviously, Quinn's isn't my type, he is too perfect for my preference" Kayla says.


The rest of the day at school was nothing special. 

Now I am sitting on the couch watching The Vampire Diaries, waiting for my mom to come home. It's 6, and I hear the front door open and my mom scream "I'm home, hide all your drugs Jasmine"

"Really mom, my drugs, you could of at least tried to be creative" I laugh. 

"Why aren't you doing you homework Honey?" 

"Well, my dear mom I was waiting for you to get this form signed, or else I would have fogotten" 

"Oh ok, can I see the form". I nod and run to my room to get the form.

"You're going to be living in his mansion for 6 months? Where are you going to study? You do know you can't meet us because it's an hour drive from here." I laugh at her tone.

"Calm down mom, you know I won't be there for 6 months, I will stay for only a month and get the $1000. As for studying there will most likely be a teacher or something who will teach us stuff. If you read right here" I point 

"It says we have the weekends free, and we can come back home, stay at the mansion, or go to Seattle."

"Oh, I'm just going to double check with your father right now. Excuse me."

My mom later tells me that my dad agreed if that was what I wanted. So my mom signed the form. Right now I am double checking if Kayla's parents signed her form. 

"Kayla did they agree?" I ask on the phone

"Obviously, only after I told them goody-two shoes Jasmine was going with me." I laugh.

"Only 100 girls from our school will get in Kayla. Do you think I will."

"Jasmine you don't have to worry, there are only about 150 girls at our school who are withing the age limit, and not all of them will sign up, so believe me when I say both of us wlll be accepted"

"I sure hope so"

A/N - Hope you liked it <3






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