Quinn's Thoughts

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A/N - 200 votes!! Ok, so I have noticed that some chapter have fewer reads than others, and I am confused by that, are you guys not reading the whole book or something? But yea, could you just tell me why that would be?

Also not that many people vote for my books, there are a couple of people who vote for all of my chapters and I am very grateful. I would love it if all of you could just vote for some chapter of my book so you can show me your support :)

My goal is 2500 views now :)

PS - This is not the full chapter, I tried to write as much as I could today, so I will be updating this chapter tomorrow 

Chapter 16 - Quinn's Thought

Quinn POV

Waking up from my dreamless sleep I look around. Everyone is sleeping, Jasmine wakes up.

Both of us stare into eachother's eyes, I got lost in the depths of her brown eyes. It was if I was trying to find all the secrets that might lie at the bottom of her soul.

We break eye contact, and freshen up. "Should we wake them up, I ask after brushing my teeth"

"Yea, but we should prank them or something" I like the way she thinks. We go downstairs to the kitchen, and I lead her to my room. I had the perfect idea for a prank.

I take out two megaphones from one of my many drawers. I remember when Caleb and I went to buy these, we had asked the sales person to give us the loudest megaphones they had. Each one was for $500, but all the money went to good use.

Remeber Smedley, yea my English teacher. Caleb and I went to her house at 2am, we rung the door bell and waited. A tired looking old lady opens the door, upon further inspection I notice it's her, my english teacher, the only difference right now was that she was wearing no make-up.

It was quite a scary sight if you asked me, but what we did next was the best. Caleb and I pointed our megaphones and screamed "A TRAGEDY CAN NEVER BE AN ACTUAL TRAGEDY" then we ran off. We knew that she would recognize us by our voices, but we wore ski masks just in case.

Why do we say that, might you ask. Well whenever Smedley would give us a lecture, every 5 minutes she would say 'a tragedy can never be an actual tragedy', I don't understand that.

How can a tragedy not be a tragedy? It's just common sense how can a tragedy not be an actual tragedy,  in my opinion Smedley should go to teacher school or something so she can learn that a tragedy has to be a tragedy. It's like saying an empty space is not an actual empty space. If something is empty it had to be empty, so it can be called an empty space. An empty space will only be empty space if... Uhhh I'm confusing myself.

Wait, why do I have two megaphones in my hand......Oh yea the prank.

I go outside and see that Jasmine is in awe, who wouldn't be my suite was furnished with the latest designer furniture and it has all of the gaming systems you could imagine. 

"Ready" I ask her

She nods and then sees the megaphones I am holding, and smirks.

"So let's say that there is a fire or something ok. I'll count to three and then we scream." I explain

Jasmine nods in understanding.

We go to her room and quietly enter 

I signal




Both of us screm "THERE IS A FIRE!!"

The two Indian girls on the beds fall on the floor, I think they're Reet and Indra, or something like that

The mexican girl stand up and goes into karate mode, to say I was impressed was an understatement, she was good.

The most suprising reaction was from Kayla, she ran into Caleb's arms.

I quietly laughed at Caleb's expression, he didn't know what do to so he just stood there.

After a while Caleb and I go out into my room so we could get ready for the day.

Today we had to finalize all the sports that would be happening tomorrow during Sports Day.

A/N - Hope you liked it :) Sorry for any mistakes






PS - Just a reminder that this is not the full chapter, I will be updating it again tomorrow.

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