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A/N - I've been really busy recently so I couldn't update, this is just kind of a filler. Hope you enjoy :)

Goal - let's try to get 25 votes on this chapter :p

Chapter 38 - Breakfast

"Wakey, wakey" I hear Kayla say to Alexis and I. "One more minute" I moan into my pillow, I hear a grunt from Alexis most likely agreeing with my statement.

"No, come on lazy bums we have to go downstairs for breakfast." Kayla urges. Well, food does sound like a good idea right now, but this bed is my beat friend right now and I don't want to leave it.

"Don't you guys remember Quinn is eating with us and cameras are going to record us" Kayla adds.

"Eating?" I ask. Does the general public of the world have nothing better to do than to watch teens eat breakfast. I decide to stretch so I could wake myself up. It seemed to work my mind has woken up and now I am sitting.

"Well duh, don't you know that the show is the most watched show internationally. 4 million people watched the first episode" Alexis says groggily, just woken up.

"4 million isn't that much considering the 7 billion people on this planet" I state.

"Oh I should have been clearer, 4 million people watched just from northern Washington state" she explains.

Wow that's a lot "How do you know?" I question.

"I read this article and it said that 61% of people with tvs watched the first episode of the show. And numbers are increasing, the episode that launched yesterday got about 739 million viewers worldwide and keep in mind that each 'viewer' is not really a viewer it's a TV, who knows how many actual people watched it. OMG I might actually have a chance at fame" Alexis rambles, the girl sure knows her facts.

"Enough rambling, you guys get ready" Kayla urges.

"Yes mom" I joke getting out of bed and going to the washroom.

Kayla just rolls her eyes and I laugh.

5 minutes later all of us ready, well not really, let's just say we look presentable. Ok, I lied Kayla and I are just wearing a t-shirt with jeans and a minimum amount of make-up, whereas Alexis is still in the room caking her face up.

She said she was going to wear a dress and put a decent amount of make-up so the public wouldn't see her 'imperfection' on tv. Let me just tell you Alexis has no imperfection, I sometimes wonder what that girl does to her face to make it so perfect.

Kayla and I enter the dining room, where we usually eat breakfast. We see our two Indian friend and go to sit beside them. I notice that just like Kayla and I the sisters don't have that much make-up on. The only difference was that they were wearing fancy dressing compared to my trucker attire.

I look around and notice the many cameras situated throughout the room, but decide to just ignore them and enjoy the delicious food in front of me.

Today I decided to eat some waffles and french toast with some whip cream, because, why not?

Halfway through my meal, I look around and see that most of the girls are eating fruit or not eating at all. Yes, eating nothing will obviously make people like you, I think sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Sorry I'm late" Quinn says running into the dining room.

Now everything makes sense, the cameras not recording us. Which I noticed only when I saw all the cameramen devouring their food like it was their last meal. Also Quinn's absence most likely made the girls wait for their meal.

"You can shoot now" Quinn says looking at the cameramen who are still enjoying their meal.

They nod and stand up ready to record "ok just to go over everything, I ask you girls to just act natural and don't try anything funny or sweat in front of the camera" the director says looking straight at me. Before I could interject he starts speaking again "just eat and this scene will be about 10 or so minutes. Also Quinn ask the girls some basic questions about their home country or something" the director suggest " ready shooting in 3...2...1"

I see the red dot on the cameras turning red, meaning that all of the machines have started recording our every move.

I start eating again, this time more orderly and womanly as Amy likes to say. I zone out, blocking out Quinn's questions to the girls and their answers.

I think about my family, my mom and dad. But I also think about life back at school. It would be so weird just having more than half of the girl population vanish for about 6 months.

I thought are ruined by Kayla after she shakes me to say that breakfast is over. 

A/N - Hope you liked it 






PS - So I know that a lot of you don't want Niall to be Quinn, so I decided that Quinn will be played by this dude (picture on the side) he's not the same person that played him before, but kind of similar. 

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