The Scavenger Hunt Part 2

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A/N - If you guys didn't already, read the re-updated part that I posted before this one. I re-updated it today, so you might have to.

Hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 32 - The Scavenger Part 2

All of us start running.

We go to the yellow circle where we are suppose to open our envelope.

What's black and white and read all over?

I read the clue and am confused.

"Do any of you know the answer" I ask

"Well.... let's just think of everything that could be black and white" Alexis suggests

"That's a good idea" Preet pitches in.

All of agree and start to list off things that are black and white



"Killer Whale"



"Guys..." I interupt "I don't think the clue is an animal so we should probably start thinking about things that are black and white not animals"

They laugh and agree.


"Pirate Flag"

"Soccer Ball" Alexis screams "I know it's a soccer ball"

We all think about it,

"No, you can't read a soccer ball. What's black and white that we can read?" Indra asks.

"A newspaper?" I asks

"OMG Jasmine you're so smart!" Kayla says overly excited.

"Ok so the answer is a newspaper, but where can we find newspapers?" Preet asks.

"I know, I know. Isn't there that newspaper thing at the front of the house where all the newspapers are" Kayla says with confidence.

I think about it, I vaguely remember seeing a newspaper stand on the porch in front of the house.

We all agree that we should go to the front of the house.

We quickly run to the front of the house.

While running I notice that most of the other teams who started at the same time as us have already found their clues. So I tell my team to hurry up.

We arrive at the front and I clearly see the yellow envelope in between a couple of newspapers.

Kayla goes and run over to the envelope and opens it.

We are read it.

Keys open doors, but mine make sounds.

After a couple of seconds of thinking, Alexis quickly thinks of the answer.

"The piano obviously, because when you play the keys it makes music"

"Good job" I pat her back.

We quickly reach the piano and open the next clue.

People climb me, cut me and burn me, they show me no respect! My rings are not of gold, but they do tell my age?

Halfway into reading the clue I knew that it was talking about a tree but which tree?

"A tree?" Indra questions

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