That's Racist

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Chapter 45 - That's Racist

"I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous" I say nervously.

"We totally see" Kayla responds sarcastically. I glare at her for making the matter worse. I'm not the best when it comes to crowds, it just takes me a while to get use to. I'll eventually not be nervous while standing on the stage, but moments before actually going on the stage are the most nerve wrecking for me.

"Where are we performing anyway" Alexis asks. Her question was actually valid, seeing how many people the Wilson had invited. We don't really know who is going to be there, but most likely rich people who will love listening to classical music.

"I heard that it's going to happen outside because of the good day, otherwise they would have done it in a hall or something in the mansion." Preet responds, I look at her questioning how she would know that. As if understanding what I was thinking she says "I heard Sue talking about it with Zoe" I nod in agreement.

"As you girl might know the talent show starts in 2 hours" a person who I assume is a maid says through the intercom "But, there is a twist to this talent show, so please send one person from your group to the living room" when she stops talking the 5 of us look at each other confused.

"I'll go" Alexis says, "No let Jasmine go, you have to practice on your notes some more" Preet tells Alexis. Alexis nods obeying Preet, so I just go downstairs with a couple of girls to see what the twist was.

"I'm going to make this quick" Quinn says. "We were expecting about 50 performances from you girls, but because of so many people wanting to do the acts independently we have about double that amount." so I ask myself "This means there will be three rounds to this talent show. This is actually better for the show too because we get more coverage."

"What do you mean 3 rounds" a brunette asks.

"Well Renee it means that all of you will perform today" we nod "but, only half of you will get to be in the second round, the in the third round there will only 5 acts." Wow that changes the game.

"So if we get into the second round we would have to make another act" I ask. Quinn looks at me and nods "I know this might be too much for some of you, but I know you can do it"

"When's the second round?" someone asks. "We have not set a date, but it will most likely be in a week." As Quinn finishes talking us girls turn to go to our groups and tell them about the twist.

"That's not it" Quinn says trying to get everyone's attention. "You all know this round is judged by judges" well I didn't I say to myself "They will choose about 50 acts to go to round 2. But during round 2 and 3 the winners will be chosen by the viewers. This will increase viewer interaction"

None of us say anything and just listen to Quinn talk about how the votes will work, after he is done he sends us to tell our groups about this unexpected twist.

I enter the bedroom full of my friends ready to go on stage, me being the only one not in her costume. While changing I tell them everything about he twist

"So if we go into the second round we would have to make a new act and find new outfits in just a week?" Kayla asks furious with the whole situation.

"I guess" I answer, I'm pretty sure none of the other girls expected this. It's sad that we have to work even harder to go to Europe. "But we have to win" I say with determination.

"Oh and Quinn said something about the viewers voting, so I'm guessing it's going to be like AGT" I provide more information to my four friends. Just like Kayla everybody was furious, but this made us more determined into going into round 2.

"Ok girls come downstairs in 10 minutes, so we can give you more instructions" the intercom tells us.

The five of us walk downstairs and join the group of girls. We see a line and go stand in it. "Could you write the name of everyone performing in your act and what you are doing" the blonde behind the dest asks us annoyed.

Preet writes our names down "What's our group name?" she asks.

"We don't have one" Alexis responds "But we have to have one" Preet sats annoyed.

"What about Quinn's Angels" Alexis suggest, thinking of Charlie's Angels I guess.

"Over my dead body" I say referring to the gag worthy name she suggested.

"So what do you suggest" Kayla asks me.

"Not sure" I say while trying to find a name that would fit us.

"What about, Matiol WG" I suggest out of the blue

"What?" Indra asks.

"Don't get offender but it's an acronym for 'Me and Two Indians One Latina & White Girl'" I say already preparing myself for the comments to come.

"That's racist" Kayla says.

"I like it" Alexis says "It's not like anyone will know what it means" she continues.

"Except for me" the rude blonde behind the desk says, but we just ignore her "Yea it could work" Indra says thinking it over.

"So it official our name is Matiol WG, even though it's kind of narcissistic" Preet laughs. I just laugh with her, it's the best I could come up with.

"Ok you will go on in about half an hour so just wait backstage." the blonde says "Also, there will be special guests waiting for you in the audience" she says looking kind of happy for us.

"Oh yea Quinn did say something about special guest, I don't know who though?" I say.

"What if it's that dude from the History Channel" Kayla says. "OMG I would die if I saw him, like take millions of pictures with him" I say already knowing who Kayla was talking about. If you don't then you haven't seen enough memes in your life time. (dude in the meme on the side)

"Who are you talking about" the other girls asks. Instead of answering their question I just take out my phone and show them a meme of him which I had saved in my camera roll. After seeing the meme the three of them couldn't stop laughing, soon Kayla and I joined in their laughter.

"You girl are up next" a dude who I am assuming is in charge tells us. Wow 30 minutes went quickly I think to myself.

I straighten out my outfit and start calming my nerve 'I can do this, I can do this' is the mantra I am using right now to calm down.

"Next up is an accapella group who are going to perform a medley of songs" Xavier says "Please welcome, Matiol MG?" he says the last part as a question.

But my friends and I don't pay attention and just get on stage and get ready to win that trip to Europe.

Hope you liked it :)






PS - Sorry for any mistakes.

QUESTION: Who do you think the special guests are?

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