Red is for Dare?

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A/N - Sorry for not updating is such a long time. Hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 33 - Red is for Dare?

I am not even joking there are balloons surrounding the living room.

I wonder how they filled them up so quickly, are they like superheroes.

Wait, they could of just filled them up and put them in another room and bring them in the living room when we left.

I'm so smart.

"Ok as I think almost everyone is here, let me explain the rules for this game" Quinn says coming forward wearing his pjs.

I hear the excitement in his voice, and wonder why he is so excited.

"This truth or dare will be filmed by the cameras around the room"

I look around the room and as Quinn said there are random cameras situated around the room. No camera men just the cameras.

I hear a couple of girls worried that their make-up and how god forbid their eyeliner look uneven on camera.

And then there's me, with my ugly make-up free face.

"So as you can see there are balloons all around the room. So you will get 5 minutes to choose three balloons each. Each balloon has either a red or green card, which says a truth or a dare. Red is for dare and Green is for truth." Quinn tries to explain.

But I am still confused, and can hear that most of the other girls agree with me.

But Quinn continues to explain it.

"You can't really cheat because the coloured cards are in a black envelope. Also some cards are blank meaning that you will have to do nothing, so it's kind of like a free pass."

I kind of understand it now, but I continue listening.

"Now for the surprise, a couple of the balloons have prizes in them. Well, not literally but the cards have prizes written on them." it seems like he's confusing himself too.

"And finally, one lucky girl will find a golden card, which will be for an opportunity to go on a date with moi." he finished off.

I notice that they rules were mostly for the camera, because Quinn was facing on the bigger cameras for the whole time, but whatever.

"When do we choose?" A petite brunette asks.

"Well, you can start now" he says "May the odds be ever in your favour" he says as a really bad Effie Trinket impression.

I go and stand with my friends.

"So what's your lucky colour?" I ask them

"I don't know, I'm just going to pick random ones" Alexis answers looking around the vast number of balloons.

I see a couple of girls shaking the balloons so they could get a glimpse of what is in the black envelope, but they weren't in luck.

I look around and just grab random balloons just like Alexis mentioned.

In my hand I have a yellow, blue, and pink balloon.

I wait for my friends to get their balloons so we could go the entrance of the living room once again.

I stand there with my three balloons in my hand awaiting for further instructions.

After everyone has gotten a balloon, Quinn tells us what to do next. "Now all of us including Xavier" he says venomously "and I, will be playing. We're going to sit in a circle and pop one balloon at a time" he explains.

Most of the girls understood so they went to sit in a circle, some girls like poor little Hannah just looked very confused, but just followed the crowd on sat in the circle.

I am in the middle of my friend ground, Alexis and Kayla on my right and Indra and Preet on my left.

Quinn decides to go first.

He pops a red balloon and opens the envelope. He takes out a green card, a couple of 'oohs' were heard, but Quinn just ignored them.

"What age were you when you lost your virginity?" he reads.

"Umm....I think like 12 or 13, but who cares right?" he says looking towards Hannah, I wonder what happened?

Talking about Hannah, when Quinn read the paper, she had this humongous smirk on her face. I could see a couple of girls staring at her knowing that she is the first one Quinn did the deed with. But, when Quinn said that he didn't care Hannah just scoffed.

Slowly each girl was popping the balloon and doing their truth or dare.

There was still no sign of the gold card, but a couple of girls had won some gift cards and stuff.

Now it was Kayla's turn. She opens her envelope and out comes a red card. She looks at it and sighs. "It's blank" she says.

I hear a couple of girls moan, and I agree. It's no fun, I wanted to see Kayla do something embarrassing.

Well after whining a bit with myself I turned around and saw Alexis pop her ballon.

She opens it, and it's a white piece of paper. One thing Quinn forgot to mention was that the white papers meant prizes. But most of the girls caught on pretty quickly, that white = prizes.

"A group date with Quinn" she says excitedly.

I smile, Alexis really liked Quinn, but what made me frown was the next thing she said "with your friends".

There went my good mood, I am technically Alexis' friends so that means that I will have to go on the date with him.

Now, it's my turn. I pop the balloon and open the envelope.

And surprise, surprise a red envelope comes out.

A/N - Sorry for any mistakes :p.

Who do you think is going to get the gold card? Comment what you think. If you PM me who you think is going to get it, I will even tell you if your guess was right or wrong ;).






PS - I imagine the room kind of looking like that, but bigger.

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