Nap Time

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A/N - Hope you enjoy :)

If you're confused about the picture, you'll understand when you read the chapter.

Chapter 32 - Nap Time

30 minutes later Sue comes into our room to tell us that all the last group of girls just started the scavanger hunt, meaning we would have to go back to the living room for the sleepover in about 15 minutes.

Sitting on the bed I decide to lay down and think. My mind wanders to Quinn. Quinn Wilson, the boy who I am friends with. I don't know what kind of friendship we have, but I'm not going to deny that I like to spend time with him. I'm not saying that I have feelings for him and have decided to actually be his wife, I just... I don't know.

My inner debate came to an end when Kayla decided to drop the bomb on us.

"Are you guys here for Quinn or the money?"

Wow, I could sense the tension building up in our room. All five of us have bonded through this competition, and have become really good friends. But, at the end of the day we are opponents, no matter what.

After an awkward silence, Alexis started chuckling.

"You know, I kind of forgot why all of us are here in the first place"

I nod in agreement, and I wish I could forget why we are here.

"You know what" I say "Let's just not talk about the competition, I know we're suppose to be competing against each other, but we are best friends. Let's not let this competition come in-between us."

They all nod, and I smile.

I open my arms for a group hug, and my best friends happily comply.

We see someone clear their throat and turn to face the intruder. Sue is standing by the door smiling "You guys have to go down now"

After staying in the embrace of my friends for a few more seconds, we go downstairs to see what we would do next in our sleepover.

Reaching the living rom I notice that most of the girls are already here, either talking between themselves or trying to get the attention of Quinn and Xavier.

I see a couple of girls running into the living room, most likely just finishing their scavenger hunt.

I go and lay down on my mattress and wait for the next set of instructions.

After a couple of minutes I hear Quinn speaking so I decide to sit up and pay attention.

"I know that most of you must be tired, so I have chosen that we will be having nap time now"

Oh my god nap time YES! that's totally what I need right now. I express my happiness my cheering and clapping really loudly. (Jasmine's feelings are appropriately expressed by the picture on the side ;p )

The only sad part about my cheering, is that I was the only one happy with the idea of nap time.

That means that while most of the girls were groaning I was screaming and clapping. I must of looked like a stupid seal, because Quinn started laughing.

"I'm happy some people are happy with my decision" he smirk looking at me.

I blush red and decide to hide behind my hair, but I totally forgot that my hair was really short, so I couldn't hide my tomato face. In the end, I just decide to hide behind my hands.

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