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If you want another book to read I recommend : The Game by kristabella 

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Chapter 49 - Packing?

"We killed it" I smile towards my best friends.

"I don't think any one of us messed up, I could see that the judges were impressed" Kayla says.

"It's not like their opinions matter, right?" Alexis asks confused.

"They don't, but it is good to get some feedback" Preet tries to explain.

"So when do we find out we won" I say cockily smiling. "I guess after all the performances" Indra smiles.

"Let's sit, my adrenaline is running out" Alexis complains. I agreed with her, the adrenaline rushing through my veins just minutes ago is slowly vanishing. All the sleepless nights spent practicing are gaining up on me.

"Yes, let's" I run to the nearest sofa and lay down.

The next thing I know is I close my eyes and drift off into a dreamless slumber.

"Wakey, wakedy wake up" I hear someone moving me.

I mumble some incoherent words while the person starts shaking me.

"The last group is performing, wake up" a voice I recognize as Kayla's saying.

"Ok Ok. I'm up" I say trying not to rub my eyes and look like a racoon for the rest of the day.

I decide to go to the washroom so I could try to look decent for when we have to go on stage.

"Pack your bags" I hear someone say behind me.

I look and I just see the retreating figure of what looks like Quinn. "Pack your bags" I say to myself. As I am thinking for an answer as to why he told me, I reach the bathroom.

I go in do my business and come out looking decent.

While walking back backstage, I wonder if Quinn knows we won and is telling me to pack my bags. But, what if he thought I was someone else, I did change my clothes. After that I didn't have time to think, a producer literally pushed me on stage so I could stand by my friends.

I glare behind me at the man who pushed me, while he ignores me worried that there will be a mistake on his perfect show.

Xavier goes on stage and proceeds to talk to the camera while my friends and I just awkwardly stand there with the other groups around us. One by one he Xavier says the name of the group that did not make it. Every time our group's name is not called my heart flutters in joy.

There are only three groups left now; mine, Hannah's and another group of very talented singers.

"I'm sorry Hannah and Minions you are eliminated" Xavier says trying to look as apologetic as his acting skills would let him.

I inwardly laugh at Hannah's group name. Why would you call your group Hannah and Minions, that just screams narcissistic. The only thing I'm not surprised about is that her 'minions' didn't mind. For all I know she could tell them to jump off a cliff and they would do it.

"So, it's finally the time to announce the winner" Xavier says happily "How're you girls feeling he asks" I don't hear what my friends and other grill reply to overtaken by my nerves.

"The winning team is..." I couldn't hear what he said next because of the screaming beside my ears. My friends hug each other and me "What happened?" I ask like a lost puppy "We won stupid" Kayla says hugging me. I hug her back and hug all of my other friends, happy to win. I also hug the girl from the other group and tell them how talented they are and how they should have won.

After celebrating on stage, the cameras stopped recording. We all head back stage. "Congratulations" Xavier says from beside me, the smile on his face worth millions. I don't know what came over me but I hugged me. I blame it on my happiness, but I don't care I just want to share my happiness with everyone.

"Give papa some love too" I hear Quinn say from behind me. I try to loosed Xavier's grip on me, which just leads him to tightening it. I feel pressure from behind me and realize Quinn is hugging Xavier and me.

"Caa...nn't BB....r...ea...the" I wasp out. "Oh sorry" the two boys say, but I'm just to happy to care.

"So when are we leaving" I ask Quinn almost jumping and hugging him again.

"In" he looks at the expensive looking clock on his wrist "30 minutes"

Time freezes "WHAT???" Kayla and Preet scream.

This leads my friends and I to go into panic mode. We quickly run upstairs to pack.

"You should have listened to me" I hear Quinn's voice from behind me.

I smile, so he did know.

Hope you liked it :p Sorry for any mistakes.






Make sure you read The Game by kristabella link:

If you do read it make sure you vote, I will follow anyone who votes for the story.

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