The Trip

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Next day

August 30th 12:00pm in New York and New Jersey
September 1st 4:00am in Australia

Lorraine's P.O.V

Rahart and I are so jet lagged, we are both so screwed up with the time zones really badly!

In Australia we would be still asleep by now but instead it's the middle of the day here!

Our plane landed on time actually but now we've been at the hotel for an hour, both litterly dead inside!!

Rahart fell asleep.

I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't.
I have so so much on my mind about seeing Ashton tomorrow, hoping not to get caught or not to be seen by Luke!

To much is on my mind at once.

Cant it just go well?
Just see Ashton no one else, no more drama!!

After seconds which turned into minutes which turned into an hour, of thinking...
I finally fell asleep with my jet lagged as fucked mind!!

Ashton's P.O.V

Another show in a row I don't think we've had a day off in a while which is odd but whatever...
Its something we love to do at least.

I haven't talked to Lorraine, since her plane has landed. But I didn't want to bother her because I knew she was probably jet lagged and needed to sleep.

Lorraine has been on a plane since the One Direction tour. So I don't know how use to the jet lag she is anymore.

Hopefully everything will go well tomorrow...
No one else will get in the way!!

11:00am in Austriala
5:00pm in New York and New Jersey

Allie's P.O.V

I finally thought it was time to talk to Lorraine, and confront her about this whole mess!

Just walk to the house and talk, because she's not answering me at all so I have to go to the house.

I don't know what to say
I have some of the words but don't know how to say it
What's going to happen!?

45 minutes past


After getting ready, I started to walk over to the house.

I texted Lorraine a few times to warn her or let her know I'm coming but there was never an anwser.

When I got there I knocked, I heard Ressie barking.

Kristine opened the door and said "Hey Allie Lorraine isn't here s-"

I cut her off and stated "What do you mean not here!?"

Kristine rolled her eyes a little and stated "I was saying she went on the tour to go see Luke and stuff."

What the fuck!?
I thought they hated each other!!
Why would she see him...
Kristine defitnaly doesn't know something

But I shouldn't be the one to tell her, Lorraine should be the one to tell her.

Last time I told someone something I should've never said.....
Everyone is in a whole drama mess!

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