The Demon Feeling Is Back!

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****Still Flashback****

Date: May 21st


Lorraine's P.O.V

He grabbed my hand and pulled me down.
I fell on the last few stairs and hit my head a little.

I screamed "Rahart! What the fuck!?!"
He smirked.

Then all of a sudden everything went black.


I opened my eyes.

All I saw was Rahart in my face.
I could barely move.

He tied my hands together.
Rahart stood me up.
I shouted "What are you doing!?!! Let me go!!!"

He put his hand over my mouth.
Then shoved me into the closet.

I screamed "Rhatt were over!!"
He smirked again and slammed the closet door shut.

I started screaming.

As I was screaming I heard his bedroom door shut and lock.

15 minutes past


I've been struggling to get free but I couldn't.

Everytime I stood up I hit my head on this railing thing.

I heard a loud noise.
I looked down to my right.
I saw my phone.

I was guessing it fell when I was trying to stand up.

I forgot it was even in my pocket.
Because it hasn't gone off in days.

It started going off.
But it was on silent.
Luke was calling...

I smiled a little knowing it was him.

I tried picking up the call with my foot.
When I did all I kept screaming was "Help!!"

I knew Rahart would just think I'm screaming again...if he's even listening he may not be.

I hit the speaker button with my hand the best I could.

Luke's P.O.V

I was calling Lorraine to let her know I was done working on the covers.

What is happening!??

That's all that was running through my mind.

I shouted "Lorraine what is happening? Where are you!?"
She shouted "Send help, save me!! Quickly, I'm at Rahart's hurry please!!!"

I was about to say "Lorraine I'll be there soon."
But all I heard was dial tone.

I texted Ashton to meet me at Rahart's.


Ashton just came.
Ashton growled out "Why did you tell me to come here!?"

I stated "Lorraine is here! She kept screaming 'help' on the phone and told me to come here."

He said "Oh."

Then we walked up to the front door.

Ashton was about to knock.
I whispered "Don't knock just open the damn door."

I opened the door and barged in.
No one was right there.

I heard muffled screaming.
Me and Ashton ran upstairs.

The screaming got clearer.
It was Lorraine screaming "Luke! help!!"

I told Ashton to look in certain rooms as I looked in the rest.

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