Truth Is I Really Care

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Date: May 17th 2015 6:30pm

Kristine's P.O.V

i just got back from Delia's.

I've been the worst sister to Lorraine..Again!

Ever since Delia started talking to me today about Lorraine, I've been feeling sick. I have also been think really badly.

Delia made me tell her everything about Lorraine and how I have her phone.

After I told her this story. She screamed "What are you thinking!?! Are you trying to make her separation and social anxiety any worse!? She missed you and Christine when she was with Luke!! How do you think she feels when Luke is gone. He has been there every time when her family, you weren't!"

When she said that it felt like a ton of bricks! I felt so bad.

When I got in the front door, I screamed "Lorraine? Lorraine!?! I'm back, can we talk??"

I layed my bag right by the door.

There was no answer not even a groan...

My lip quivered a little, then i said "Lorraine??"

Where could she have gone?? She has no phone thanks to me...

I walked upstairs. I knocked on Lorraine's door and whispered "Lorraine, can we talk??"

No answer again..

I was really scared in a way.

I opened her door.

Lorraine wasn't there! She wasn't any where in the room.

I should have never have done that!?


Lorraine's P.O.V

I started to feel really sick, while I am still at Allie's..

Allie was upstairs on her computer.

So I was sitting on the couch, thinking. That's always a bad thing...

I thought about the last few times I ran away from home because of family.

I started crying. I felt really bad all those times after that.

Allie came running down the stairs right away.
She came running over by me and whispered "Lorraine? What's wrong?"

"To much is on my mind!"

"I'll be right back. This will make you feel better."

Kristine's P.O.V

Oh my God I am a bad sister!!! I chased her away
Kinda like the last time..


Lorraine's P.O.V

Lorraine: 6
Luke: 6
Kristine: 10
Victoria: 10
(There birthday is before Lorraine's and Luke's)

I was stuck at home with Kristine and a Nanny. The nanny barely knew I existed. It was all because of this stupid business trip! This was probably the stupidest trip on earth! My Mom is also pregnant at the time....

Great.. I'm so nervous for this stupid week!!!

Thank God I have school most of this week! So I don't have to be stuck with Kristine or the nanny all day.
I hate school so much, even though I'm six! I still hate it!!!

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