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Lei's P.O.V

Luke and the boys are leaving for the ROWYSO tour very soon.

I wasn't happy I couldn't go on the tour as well. It's all because my older sister Kristine!

Kristine keeps saying "You have to focus on college, help take care of our little sister, (Zoe) and..." I usually space out when she talks about Luke and stuff like that because it's generally a bunch of bullshit.

My parents of course agree with Kristine. My parents always have endless fights and rarely are around ever since Zoe was elven . So I was seventeen and Kristine was twenty when this was happening and it was bad....and still somewhat bad.

My friends on the other hand, Katie, Alyssa and Sadie really wanted me to go on the tour. It's so my anxiety wouldn't get any worse than it is.

Most of the times my sisters forget I have all of this anxiety. And this happens a lot more than you would think.
Hi guys😊
So this is short sorry I just need to give u a run down on this story.
I need to also give u a key because there is so much to this fanfic and story.
 There are more characters coming..
Point of views change a lot.
Also the cover is gonna be changed a lot so look out for that. My amazing friend Breann,made this . I love it so much.
This is my first fanfic I may do a sequal to this but anyway. Ask any questions if you need to know certain things.
Btw my gifs might not work because the Internet hates me!
Okay so here's the key.

Italics are thoughts
***** means a flashback
' ' these mean ringtones from phones so there would be song lyrics. There maybe a key for that.

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