New Feelings?

58 8 1

1 week past

Date: July 16th 2015
6:00pm in LA
1:00pm in Australia

It's Lukes birthday!!
Well at least here!

He was texting me late last night here but the morning before in LA.

I hate when he's in the US!!
The time zones are way to far from Austiala!!
It's basically a whole day...

Luke was up because he was sick a couldn't sleep and I was just up for the hell of it!!
He was telling me about the new single along with the music video and other band stuff!

I was really happy that he was happy.

I slept really late, I mean I was on the phone from 2:00am to 3:30am here!!

I decided to text him his birthday message!
Even though the time zones are breaking us apart...
It's just so I won't forget about it!!

I texted him "Happy birthday babe!💙 Even though it isn't your birthday quite yet there in LA, it is here! I hope you have the amazing day you deserve! I miss you so much already, even though it's only been a week. But probaly in your jet lagged as fucked mind it feels like it's been a year😂! These time zones are really screwing me up! But feel better with your jet lag and try to sleep every opportunity you get! Okay I love you so so so much! Bye😘"

I hit send then texted Rahart.

Luke still doesn't know anything about me and Rahart being friends now......
And I don't want Luke to know until I'm ready .
But truthfully that won't be until I'm dead, I feel like!
Luke will get all protective and shit!
This time I really don't want that!!

For the past few days or so me and Rahart have been texting back and forth.

Occasionally we would actually talk on the phone, but that was rare.

I texted him "Hey."

Maybe I should tell him and show the truth to Rahart a little more....
If I want to be friends with him again I should tell him the truth... And I mean everything...

He texted back "Hi."

I texted him back "Wanna hang out today? I have nothing to do." as I gulped then I placed my phone down.

After a few minutes my phone started to go off a lot.

I picked it up expecting a text from Rahart and maybe even a few from Luke!
But it wasn't....
It was actually Allie for once...

Allie's text said "UGHH!! I hate Michael so much right now!! He's being a dumbass!!"

Huh!? What's happening??

I just texted back "Hello to you to Allie 😒." completely ignoring what she said about Michael...

She texted back "HI!! You happy now!😒 now tell your boyfriends best friend to just stop being an asshole!!"

Is it fucking dumb ass or ass hole I'm confused...

I then rolled my eyes from that text.

I texted back "I bet you that he did nothing!! And just saying I can't control my boyfriend!! So I'm pretty sure that means I can't control his best friends!!"

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