Is she gone??

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1 week past

Date: May 17th 2:00pm in Australia

Katie's P.O.V

I'm scared where is she?!!?!

I haven't talked to Lorraine in weeks. Two weeks ago I was busy looking at colleges and didn't have my phone. Then this past week she hasn't answered.

I finally decided to text Allie.

[Text to Allie]

"Hey. Have you heard from Lorraine at all. I haven't. I'm kind of getting worried."

There was no answer.

I'm not that close with Allie. I'm closer to Ana.

I decided to text Ana as well.

[Text convo with Ana]

Katie: "Hey? Just wondering have you heard from Lorraine at all?"
Ana: "Hi no sorry, I tried texting her but no anwser."
Katie: "Should I try calling the house??"
Ana: "I don't think that's a good idea."
Katie: "And why is that??"
Ana: "If you call the house I think her sisters will pick up. Then probably they will hang up on you.
Katie: "Ohhh yeah."
Ana: "What about Luke?? You could text or call him.
Katie: "I don't have his number. Lorraine never gave it to me. Do you have it?"
Ana: "No I don't sorry."

[End of text convo]

Where is Lorraine??

6:00am in Germany

Luke's P.O.V

Where is she?!? Lorraine wouldn't cut...Wait maybe....

A lot of thoughts have been running through my mind. I haven't heard from Lorraine in a week. This is how it was last time...

Maybe she is mad at me. Has she talked to anyone else? When she got silent like this she was hurt by someone really close to her.

I just decided to text Allie.

[Text convo]

Luke: "Hey Allie. Have you seen Lorraine or heard from her recently??"
Allie: "No, the last time I saw her was the day you guys were on the phone forever."
Luke: "😒 But do think she cut?? Like last time when we caught her?"
Allie: "LUCAS!! Don't you dare think like that! If she did someone would of told us."
Luke: "Who though??"
Luke: "Fine, Fine."

[End of text convo]

Allie's Thought: Truthfully no one would of told anyone, if Lorraine actually cut. Her sisters aren't that crazy with making sure Lorraine is okay. Then her parents are always abounded all of them.

****Flash Back****

(Warning: has a trigger warning Along with a few more parts)

Date : October 10th 2012


Lorraine's P.O.V

I heard screaming coming from downstairs....

Another fight...I hate this.

This was the second fight my parents were having.

I was so bored texting Luke, Allie and Katie. I was saying how I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

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