Another Memory

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Date: May 4th 2015


Sadie's P.O.V

Lei said "Allie so you have been keeping this thing from me for two years." Her mouth was almost to the floor.

I said "Yeah, pretty much."

She asked "Why?? Why the fuck would you? Best friends esecreyez."

I shrugged and said "I don't know why truthfully. I had to sort out my feelings."

Ohhh what did I just say to her

She asked "Did you ever sort out your feelings...... Do you still like Mikey???"

I gulped.
Maybe I do I've been really confused.

My voice cracked as I said "Yes I think..."

"Ohh you never know what will hapepned." Lei then smirked a little.

I stated "Don't you dare tell anyone!!!"

She said "Who would I tell?" then shrugged her shoulders.

I could tell Lei had sarcasm in her voice.

I shouted "Don't be a dumb ass!! Your boyfriend is his best friend, your friends with the rest of the boys and Michael himself!!"


Date: February 15th 2013

Sadie's P.O.V

I texted Michael "Hey Michael you are coming over later. Right?"

Within a few seconds he texted back "Yeah probably around 5 or 6."

I smiled even though it was a day before Michael was leaving. And it's even harder because we have only been dating afew weeks. I wish I could go on his tour. But it's very hard with school, I dont know how Lei or Luke are doing it.


Michel came over.

We didn't know what we were going to do. I just really didn't feel like going out somewhere.

I asked "Can we just watch movies or something??"

He said "Sure, Sadie its up to you." he then kissed the top of my head.

Nine months without his voice saying my name is going to be the death of me... And at the same time I won'r have my best friend as well!

I said "Okay." and smiled.

We laid down and started to watch movies.

Michael said "I don't want to leave you Sadie. I feel really bad"

I said "It's not your fault. I wish I could go but I can't go."

He stated "No matter what we can make this work. We can figure out a plan to get through this. I promise!"

I said "I know I know." as I slouched back.

Michael is right. What am I worrying about. We will make it through everything.

****End of Flashback****

A few days past

Date: May 9th 2015

4:00am in Australia

Lei's P.O.V

Me and Luke have been on the phone for at least a hour now. And we are still on the phone.

I asked "Luke, what time is it by you now?"

He said "10:00pm. You??"

I yawned out "4:00am"

He asked "Are you tired love? I can let you go sleep. I'm tired too a little."

I said "Its up to you babe, I'm not that tired at all."

We havent spoken since he left, barley texted too.

He smiled out "Okay, I would like to keep talking."

I'm losing him this can't happen anymore. I'm going to talk to him more.

Zoe came into my room. Hair all messy and looking very tired.

Christine said "Lei, why are you still up?"

I didn't anwser her.

Luke asked "Who is in your room?"
I shrugged out "I don't know."

I looked up. Zoe waved to me.

I stated "Zoe what do you want I'm on the phone?"

She stated "With Luke right!?!?"

I stated "Yes."

Zoe stated "Okay, but can you guys just switch to texting! It's so loud. Well you guys are so loud!"

I could hear Luke laugh on the phone.

I sighed out "Yeah, fine I guess."

Zoe left the room.

Luke chuckled "I didn't relize how loud we were Lorraine."

I giggle and said "Yeah, but at least we didn't wake up Kristine! She would've of ripped my phone right out of my hand."

Luke laughed again.

Then we kept texting and texting...
Sorry this is up so late😅😴 it took me forever to write I can't think. But it's up I'm very happy with it!
Bye love u guys💞😘

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