I can't trust anyone anymore....

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Date: May 10th 2015

3:00pm in Australia

Lei's P.O.V

My sisters and I all have our own little worlds.

Now my world is all over the place. My boyfriend is all over the world with my best guy friends! My best friend and I in a fight over shit that happened years ago... I HATE IT!!

Why does it feels like days since me and Luke talked when we talked this morning!

Amy screamed "Lei??" while I was downstairs.

I shouted back "Yes?"

Then Zoe shouted "LEI!!"

I rolled my eyes.

What does she want now! How much could she want!!

I went upstairs and said "yes" trying to be as nice as possible.

Christine asked "Can we go for a walk?"

Why is she asking me!?!?
Shes old enough

I said "Yeah. You guys can go. Why are you  asking me!?!

Why did I say that? I didn't mean to..

Christine snarled out "Whatever Lei!!"

She got up pushed me into the door way as she past.

Amy just follows her but looked back at me. I ran to my room and slammed the door!

Zoe's P.O.V

As I was walking downstairs with Amy the front door opened.

It was Kristine, she had a thousand bags in her hands.

Kristine said "Hey Zoe, Hey Amy."
Amy said "Hey."
I asked "Hey Kristine. Can I talk to you for a second?"

Me and Amy reached the bottom of the stairs. Then followed her into the Kitchen.

When we got there Kristine nodded.

I stated "Lei was on the phone all night with Luke!!"

Amy's eyes widened! She hit my arm then mumbled "Christine stop!!"

Kristine stated "No she wasn't."

I stated back "Yes she was! She only got off this morning because she thought you were up."

Kristine said "Okay I'll talk to her now. You guys can go for a walk or something."

Me and Amy said "That's what we were going to do." in unison

Kristine's P.O.V

I was really mad, Lei is always keeping secrets from me. But my little sister gets to know!

I went upstairs, layed all my bags from the mall down in my room.

Lei's P.O.V

I started pacing and bitting my lip. I heard the door open and muffled talking.
I was nevervous it was my parents..

I'm scared can't I just run away and hide!

Kristine just slammed my door open. I leaned agsintat the bottom of my bed in fear.

Kristine stated "Lei do you have something to tell me??"  crossing her arm.

I nervously said "No, No." as I hid behind my hair.

Kristine shouted "Lei stop the bullshit!! Zoe told me everything. Talking and texting Luke for hours seriously!!"

I stated "Youre not the boss of me. Plus we havent talked." but same time scared she was gonna slap me.

Kristine sarcastically said "Yeah right! But whatever I'm taking your phone away and you can't leave!!"

I screamed "NO! YOURE NOT MOM!"

She ripped my phone off the dresser! Then screamed "Got it!?!? No phone! Nothing!!"

I just didnt wanna get hit. So i nodded. Held back my tears.

She left my room slamming the door.

Then all my tears fell..

Later that night

Zoe got to go to Amy's.
Kristine was gonna go to her friend, Delia. But never did.

She probaly knew I would go through her room for my phone!

Of course my parents came home..... But they were still fighting as usual.

Kristine was just on her phone in her world when I had no idea where my phone was.
My computer officially is broken. Because of me. I smashed it when I had a panick attack a few weeks ago..

I heard glass smashing and loud screaming coming from my parents. I was trying not to hear it but I couldn't....

I wanted more drama! But the next part is so upsetting and dramatic u won't believe I wrote it😂😂

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