Why do I even try

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Date: May 4th 2015 9:05am in Germany

Luke's P.O.V

I bit my lip when she stated that.

I said "H-hey, hey Kristine."

"Oh Luke do you have a stuttering problem. But whatever what do you want!!!"

I rolled my eyes. Then said "Is Lorraine okay??"

"Yes! Is that all you want??"

"If she is 'okay' why hasn't she answered me at all??"

Kristine groaned and said "Just because.."

"No I know there is reason!!"

Then she hung up on me...

I rolled my eyes. I knew that was going to happen.

So I just gave up.

She's probably lying to me about Lorraine. I don't think she is okay.. That's really scary..

I went through my phone just to delete some messages.

I scrolled all the way to the bottom of my messages.

I saw this number.. I started to read the message right before I was going to delete the messages.

I was debating to delete it. So I deleted the rest I needed to and then went back to it.

The message said "Yeah we are fine. We will meet you guys there."

I completely blanked out on who it could've been.

I hit the text conversation.

[Text Convo]

Date: December 15th 2014 3:30pm

Number: "Does it work??"
Luke: "Yeah! Christine."
Luke: "Text us if you need us okay??"
Number: "Yeah I know."

Time: 4:15pm

Number: "Where are you guys??
Luke: "Near where we came in, why? Are you guys okay?"
Number: "Yeah we are fine. We will meet you guys there."

[End of text convo]

Should I call her?? Wait why were we even texting like this?!?

I couldn't think of it yet.

Ashton was next to me the whole time. I actually forgot that he was because I was so focused on this and he was silent for once.

He said "Luke lets go we have to go to the interview now."

I nodded.

Then I just followed Ashton out of the hotel room. While I was doing that I was thinking about why Lorraine gave me Christine's number.

2 hours later

11:00am in Germany after the interview

During the interview I finally thought of why I had Christine's number.

Me and Lorraine got bored and took Amy and Christine to the mall. Lorraine's phone was broken at the time for some reason. So when Amy and Christine wanted to go somewhere else in th mall, Lorraine gave me Christine's number. Just to have.

Should I call or text her??

I was still debating.

I finally decided to call her.

"Hey? Luke? Wow I haven't heard from you in forever."

"Hey Christine. You have me as a contact or do you remember my number?"

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