A Trip To Fall

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Date: July 17th 9:00am in Australia
July16th 2:00pm in California

Lorraine's P.O.V

I was sucked deep into my thoughts.

I think I do like Rahart!!
Oh my god!!
I can't Ughh.
Luke or Rahart

Luke's thought:
Should I confort her about Rahart!?
Text call?
Or just not mention it to her at all!!

Someone knocked...
I said "Come in." all confused.

I've been thinking about yesterday with Rahart.... ALOT!!

I mean even though it was so awakward after I kissed him....
We did at least speak after that..

Kristine walked in.
I rolled my eyes and then rolled over to face the wall.

Kristine said "Hey? Can we talk?"

I groaned out "What is there to talk about!?"

I pulled more blankets on top of me!!

She stated "The tour!!"

Huh?? They already left and I couldn't go!!

I rolled over and stated "What!? Luke and the boys already left!"

She said "What if I said I made a little deal with Mom and Dad..."

I looked up to her all confused.

I stated "What deal!?" all eager.

Kristine asked "Do you want to go to any of the shows perticually?"

I said "Um I kinda wanted to go to the New York ones and the Hershey one..."

She then asked "Are they close in dates?"

I said "Umm I'm pretty sure they are like a few days apart, but I would still have to ask Luke. Why though!? Why are you asking all these questions!?"

She said "I worked out something with Mom and Dad. You go on a few tour dates of the tour!!"

My eyes widened and I smiled a little.
I said "Really!?"

She just nodded and smiled.

I said "Yay!! Thank you so so much! I just have to check with Luke."

I sat up.
Then said "Really Kristine thank you."

She smiled and said "You're welcome." then she got up and walked out of my room.

Luke maybe busy let me just text him first...

I picked up my phone.

I saw a text from Rahart that said "Hi ;)"

I smiled and texted back "Hey :)"

Then I went to Luke's text conversation and texted "Hey, Luke💙 Can you text me when you get a chance? I have exciting news!?"

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