Broken Pieces 1

99 11 0

3 weeks past

Date: June 25th 2015


I texted Luke all last night.

He's finally been in the right time zone!

And today is the day I see him on stage and just talk again!

I missed him so much!

I have cut again sadly.
I can't stop it was just because...

It's hard to stop the cutting because of all the rumors and hate!

Everyone started talking to me again about two weeks ago.

But they didn't know about my cuts.
Well everyone knew abot them except Allie.

I was reunited with Tessa for while we were just talking and hanging out.

Allie is taking college sort of seriously.
I hope she at least stays here or something...

I invited her and Tessa to come tonight.
They both are.

I'm really nervous though to see everyone again.
Especially with the cuts.

'You and I we don't wanna be like them we can make it until the end'

Allie texted me "You're still going right?"
I texted back "No duh!! I'll see you later!"

I laid my phone down, and then I started thinking....

What if everyone will hate me now!?!
Just because of my cuts now!?
I don't want that to happen!! I don't need that to ever happen!!
It's so hard.
What if...

I sat up, I had to stop thinking badly.

I whispered to myself "Just stop!!"

Kristine screamed "Lorraine come down here!!"

I groaned and rolled my eyes and then started going down stairs.

I said "Yes" trying my best to not scream at her!!

She stated "You sure you can get us into the concert no problem.."

I snapped back "Yes!! I have all in trust in Luke."

She said "Okay, okay" and backed off.

I know I've been hard in Kristine but it's really hard!

I walked back upstairs.


Tessa was calling.

I picked it up and said "Hey."

She said "Hey, I'm still going tonight right?"

I said "Yeah. Luke will let us in so come to my house in like two hours."

"Um okay. Bye."


Then I hung up the phone.

'She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. I wish I was I wish I was beside you.'

I smiled knowing Luke was calling.

I picked it up and said "Hey babe."

Luke practically shouted "Today I get to see you!!"

I smiled and said "I know I know."

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