Goodbye? OR Hello?

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More than a week past...

Date: July 9th 2015


Lorraine's P.O.V

It's the day Luke is leaving again.....

At least we did hang out
A lot these past week or so...

I'm debating on going to the airport it not.

I means he's not leaving until 12 today!
So I have time to think.

'She sleeps alone my heart wants to come home'

I knew Luke was texting me.

I sat up and read the text.

The text said "Hey babe, I'm pretty sure, you're not awake. But I can't sleep. Text me back."

I smiled a little.
Then texted back "Hey, I can't sleep either.."

[Text Convo]
(bold- Luke normal- Lorraine)

"Aww you okay?"

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind."
"Are you okay though?"

"Uh yeah but all I can think about is the tour."

"You'll be amazing Luke. I'll just miss you!😩"

"I'll miss you too!😥"

"I don't know if I can go to the airport today."

"Babe it's okay, I don't expect you too. It's to much to say goodbye there truthfully! I always see Calum and Mali saying goodbye! Them crying and Calum doubting on going. I don't want you to go through that. Want me to come over later before I leave?"

"Yeah Luke. Thanks for looking out for me☺️"

"You're welcome babe😊."

[End Of Text Convo]

I didn't anwser back then I up and started to get ready for whenever Luke is coming.

I'm expecting him to come early because his plane is at 12 and the airport us like an hour away!!

Luke's P.O.V

Okay, okay we get to hang out again!
Nothing better go wrong!

I'm gone a longer time...
The U.S part of the tour is three months long!!

We are leaving earlier because we want to film a music video in LA!
The shows don't techie lot don't start until July 17th

Everything is changing!!
I don't want things to change!
But Truthfully I don't think anything would change!!
Please... Thought please..

Lorraine's P.O.V

At least Kristine and Christine stopped fighting...

My parents left.

So everything is back to something some what normal for this house.

And my cuts have gotten better!
So I learned to ignore the hate from Luke's fans and not give a fuck!!
And then not letting my anxiety, panick attacks, depression and my family get to me anymore!!

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