Truthfully A Broken Home

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Date: June 30th 2015

1 Hour past


Lorraine's P.O.V

After a hour of just sitting on my phone.

I heard constant screaming downstairs.

Kristine and Christine went downstairs a little while ago.

So it must be them going at it.... Again...

I rolled my eyes.

Then I heard my Dads voice.

I whispered "Oh god." to myself.

I was getting curious to what the hell is going on downstairs.

I was nervous and scared.

But then I finally went downstairs.

I turned left when I got to the bottom of the stairs.

I walked a little into the living room until....

I saw everyone screaming and fighting.

I stepped back a little.

I started screaming "Hey!!! Hey!!!"

No one anwsered back.
They didn't even look or turn to me.

Ignoring me again....
I hate it so so so much!
I feel invisible!
I can't leave though.
I would be in even more trouble if I do leave.
This is a broken home...
I'm alone!!

I screamed "Guys!!! Stop!!!" even louder then before.

Still nothing...
No one noticed me ...

I was getting so so much anxiety from just standing there being completely ignored!

The broken glass still in my brain, made me want to cut!!
So fucking badly...

I just want to cut.
But everyone would hate me.
Wait everyone does already except Luke and Tessa!
I don't know...

I couldn't take it anymore...

I ran to the kitchen.

I opened every single draw frantically.
Frantically looking for a knife.

I found one in the draw closest to the sink.

I wasn't going to cut right there.

I want to prove a point
To my family who "Cares"

I ran back into the door way of the living room.

I was a nervous wreck.
I was shaking so badly.

I screamed "Hey!!!" on the top of my lungs. As I raised the knife above my head.

They all turned to look at me, finally!!

Tears started to fill in my eyes.

I screamed "I-Is this what I-I have to do for you g-guys to fucking notice m-m-me for once!! Ready to k-ki-kill my self then I'm dead!? Is this what a-al-all of you fucking want!! A l-least now I'm making it cl-clear to everyone that I ex-exist!! None of you g-giv-give a shit about me anymore!! I don't even know if you ever have!! So what's the fu-fucking point of me liv-living anymore!?"

They all started to speak at once.

Of how they all "care so so much!"

I didn't believe one little thing they were saying.

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